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Take the time to find a school thats really a perfect fit. I found my school and cant imagine being anywhere else.
Parents: Make sure your student can be happy. Also, pick a place you can afford, because student loans are baggage that no one needs straight out of graduation. Make sure that the faculty and administration are open to new ideas, so your student has a place where they can contribute to the institution, like starting a new club or inventing the perfect major. Talk to other students who aren't paid to give you tours. They'll give you the really good information. Eat at the dining hall while visiting so you can get an idea of what the food is like. Sit in on a class to see if the courses are challenging enough. Most importantly, find a school where your student will have a "niche," a program where they can have fun and be with other people like them. Students: Once you've found the right school, understand that nowhere is perfect, so don't rely on the school or your new friends to make you happy. You have to see what a great person you are and be thankful for what you have. You have to make yourself happy.
Research schools that offer the degree that you are interested in persuing. i wanted to be an interpreter so i researched schools that offered a 4 year program. WWU was one of the top 3 in the nation in the field. Research and then e-mai both students and the professors at that school to get their insight, (yes i did do that ) then make your decision. don't just go blindly
let them do it one their own!!!
For parents and students who are seeking the right college and making the most of the college experince I would have to say look at all the colleges you are interested before making your final choice. After you have been to all of them narrow your options down to your favorite three or four and work from there. Some great advice a friend once gave me was dont go somewhere just because your best friend is goingthere or becuase your boyfriend is going there, you want this to be a great experience and its suppose to be the best years of your life. Once you visit all the colleges you have in mind there will be that one college that sticks out in your mind and you can see yourself going there and doing great. I made the right choice by following these steps and I am glad I did, I have made many friends and more to come, I have so many great memories that will never be forgotten.
You will know when you find the right one. There is a college for everyon no matter a person's interests.
College is a time of transition. For most young adults, it is the first time away from home, which can be very stressful. Making the right decision about a school is crucial. If you have an idea of what you want to be "when you grow up," it makes selecting the perfect school a little easier. Find a school with a recognized program in the field you hope to enter. Visit the campuses of the schools you are considering. Sit in on a class or two and spend some time with students there, if possible. That experience will give you a great feel for what life is like at that particular school. If you have trouble choosing between a few schools make a list of pros and cons including topics such as dorms, classes, proximity to home, etc. and decide from there.
To make the most of your college experience, get involved! Find an intramural or club that interests you and use it as a way to meet new friends and form a social group. Figure out how to balance your time well enough to have a social life. It will help releave stress and keep things exciting!
Both students and parents need to visit all college campuses that are a possibility. It is also helpful to stay for a week or even a weekend to get the "college experience" on that particular campus. Talk with students from all social circles as well as different professors. If the students and parents get a chance, I suggest sitting in on a class that you would have to take for your major. It will give you a feel for the class size and the professor. Talk with the financial aid staff as well. They will be able to assist you financially if costs of the college are a major deciding factor in which school the student attends. One other place that needs to be visited is the dining hall. Some colleges do not have the best food, and students might be stuck eating disgusting food for fours years or better.
Prospective students really need to visit the campuses of their potential colleges. Sometimes a school just feels right. To parents I would say that I know financial considerations are very important but try to make it possible for your child to go to the school that they want because then they might be more motivated to do well.