Wilson College Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Wilson College?


I enjoy the friendly atmosphere, and wide-range of students. Wilson college is an all girls college, but the college has two programs, the adult-degree and the college for women. The wide range of women allow everyone to have an understanding of others.


The academics, fun parties, club sports and social atmosphere.


The friendly atmosphere and awesome barn on campus.


Being able to complete courses online to earn my degree. That means anyone can obtain a degree if they really want it.


That Wilson is one of the few schools who offers a Veterinarian Technologist 4yr degree instead of a 2yr Vet Technician degree. That makes this program well suited as a pre-vet program as well and prepares you for vet school. Even if your not going on to Vet school it gives you a leg up on Technicians and allows you more opportunities to advance in your career.


all the different activities they have. The adult learners are invited to attend these functions as well and when you join in you are welcomed