Someone who is interested in science classes and smaller classes.
A person that is determined to obtain a degree and maintain a good GPA
Individuals who are very outgoing and accepting of others. Students who enjoy a small, tight knit community of young women who are devoted to getting a good education without the distractions of what some other colleges or universities have.
A student who is well off and financially ready to put a lot of money into their schooling. As well, a student who is planning to major in animal and equestrian sciences. Not a lot of resources for studrnt looking for more liberal arts majors, many of their liberal arts classes, which all students are required to take at and introductory level, barely exceed the introductory level. Any student looking at this school should be well adjusted to both very cold winters and very warm summers as there is both here in Pennsylvania.
A woman that likes the idea of being in a small college. If someone likes small classes and more one on one time to get help from professors than this is the school for them. It's in a quite rural area in Chambersburg and has some beautiful sites to see.
A person who loves the small college atmosphere and wants to discover their talents. They should be outgoing and open to all possibilites and not afraid of change.
Someone who likes a small school. Wilson is a small place and you will see the same faces day after day.
If you are willling to work hard, you will succeed. If you want to party hard, this really isn't where you want to be. The students here are welcoming and friendly, but we're also terribly busy. Meals are the best times to hang out with each other, we often have to be reminded that the dining hall is closing for the night - but then we just continue to hang out in our common room or down in Sarah's Coffee House.
A person who is strongly motivated, has a lot of integrity, and values honesty would do well at Wilson college. They should be willing to work hard and be self motivated. The honor principle has a huge impact on student life at Wilson therefore students need to be willing to honor and uphold that principle.
Here at Wilson any person who is ready for a change in life both mentally and physically should attend this school. Chambersburg is a very tight community bringing everyone together as one. Doing things that one may not be use to doing but once their done, one will feel like their voice matters. It will change their outlookk on life and help one realize change is possible.Also a person who is dedicated and ready to make a difference towards the people around them. This school is a place where education depends on your effort and time.