Wisconsin Lutheran College Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Wisconsin Lutheran College?


I can't think of anything actually.


The most fustrating thing about Wisconsin Lutheran College is the cost of everything. Tuttion and housing is enough, but then add the meal plan. Which makes no sense sometimes. That is not all add books and sometimes you reach your breaking point, but this is where I want to be so I take out loans and financial aid helps a lot. Financial aid knocks tuttion and housing in half, but the meal plan is rediculous.


The most frustrating thing about this school is that there are not more majors avaliable. Other schools around the area offer many more courses/majors in their school system and I hope that in the years to come, WLC will do the same.


The most frustrating thing about WLC is the lack of academicly minded people who don't go to college for the money.


The most frustrating thing about my school is it's small size only in that not a lot of people stay around on the weekends (most people go home) and if you are not involved in extra-curricular activities, it can be difficult to find things to do. Even in Milwaukee, it is still necessary to have a car to get to most places.