When I came to the college for a campus tour, I was given all of the information that I wanted. The tour guide and the students made me feel "at home" and the atmosphere is so friendly. The professors are wonderful and allow their students to grow from nervous college freshman to confident and successful adults. Personally, before I attended Wisconsin Lutheran College, I knew everything that allowed me to make that decision.
I wish I knew that the education program takes 4 to 5 years to complete
Nothing comes to mind...
I wish I would have known that finding out about scholarships were so easy. Our financial aid office is constatly looking for new scholarships and posting them around the school for us. It would have helped if I have known about this earlier in the school year. I may have been able to find scholarships for my second semester. However, now that I know that they do this for us I am constantly checking them out.
I wish I had known how much I was going to miss school when I was finally done. I wish I would have taken the time to enjoy my classes and spending time with my friends. Looking back college was one of the most fun times of my life. It seems like it all went too fast!
I can't think of anything at the moment. I really enjoy this school and I believe that it has a positive learning experience!!!
I wish i knew how expencive it really was to attend this college because i would have looked for more grants and scholorships.
I wish I had known that there was and is potential for excelence that is readily available inside me. I must simply find the will to tap into it and achieve my potential. In highschool, I knew i was smart; however, I used my ability to skate by at the last moment. When I made the move to WLC, I was "pushed" to dig deeper in order to succeed. Instead of working to succeed, I strove for excellence. After a few semesters of "striving", I achieved 4.0 GPA. I wish I had known that a long time ago.
How hard it was to be a commuter and attend this school.
I wish I had known about the availability of on-campus jobs. I would have tried to get a job iin the admissions office before all of the spots filled up. I really enjoy working with the admissions counselors. The job could have helped me to know some of the names of the people on campus, thus being able to make friends easier.