Yeshiva University Top Questions

What are the academics like at Yeshiva University?


Overall the academics at Yeshiva University are pretty average. Some of the classes are more intense and are thought provoking. However, most of the classes are average and do not require student's uttermost efforts.


All of the classes are small, even the lectures. At least they are small to me, I came from a public school. Regular classes don't usually exceed 20 and lectures don't normally go over 30. All the teachers are personable and helpful. They are usually available after class or have office hours. I found over four years that every teacher knows my name and remembers it even if I only took one of their classes. If you are having trouble in a class the teacher is more than happy to help you. I am personally a History major so I know the teachers pretty well and I obviously have a few favorites and some I'd rather avoid. There is one teacher who teaches about the 1960's and she is amazing because she was actually there. I find her to be the most fascinating woman I have ever learned from. Nobody here complains about their major because the faculty is all great. I came into this school with a very limited background in Judaic Studies and they have a program here for that where your first year of Judaic classes are structured for you to help ease you into everything. The teachers for this program are all amazing and soon turn into family.