Yuba College Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Yuba College?


The awesome teachers and how they care about each student and their well being. The enviorment in the classrooms and ethnic diversity are amazing. The kids that attend the school are awesome and are very helpful.


I dont know if I brag about my school, seeing as how i've just recently enrolled a few days ago. I am still getting familiar with the school. But what i have seen already is a positive environment, good and helpful teachers and staff, and a new found hope that enters with a new start! I have told my friends all the same things as well!


My school is a community college so by-far the biggest benefit to it is that its cheap and it's close to home, which is convenient. Right now all I'm taking are just General courses which are offered everywhere so will I spend huge bucks on taking the classes at a UC or CSU or should I just stick around home for a little while longer and get the same classes finished with much less money needed. I'll take saving money anyday!


I brag about how easy it is to get help with anything. There is tutoring, books on reserve and help with any financial needs. I also brag about how easy school is. If you just do it and attend every day it is easier. I feel that my school has a lot to offer if you know what it is that you need and who to ask. There are so many available resources. I brag to my friends about how I got a good grade on a paper due to me attending the provided tutoring.


They have an excellent learning resource center that provides free tutoring and internet access. They have knowledgeable tutors that are willing to help you every step of the way.


Mainly about how I have classes with so many people I know and went to school with. Another thing would be how I can run errands or go and visit my grandparents inbetween my classes. Not to mention how flexible my schedule is.