By Unigo
Mid-terms are finally over, and it’s time for college students across the country to let loose and enjoy Spring Break. There’s only one problem: you’re a broke college student and your parents don’t think a wild trip to Mexico should be paid for out of your college tuition fund. Even if you set a little money aside, or worked part-time over the semester, shelling out a grand or two for a week of partying may not be feasible right now. Fortunately, your financial status doesn’t mean you have to be stuck in your dorm room for your entire break. We actually have a few ideas that will make your Spring Break memorable without breaking the bank. Whether you can afford to spend $50 or $500, these great student trips are all reasonably priced and sure to fill your week with fun.
1. Camping
Did you know that many colleges rent camping items, such as tents, canoes, and other equipment, to students? Check with your campus recreation or student center to see what may be available. In some cases, you may even be able to use the items at no cost. If you can’t borrow a tent or rent one, throw a sleeping bag in your car and rough it. You and a few adventurous friends can head to the woods, find a quiet spot along the seashore, or even head North to brave the cold. Wherever you end up, you can explore the wonders of nature and get lots of great photos to share later.
2. House Party
Just because you don’t have enough money for a trip to Cancun doesn’t mean you have to miss out on all the fun parties. In fact, you can throw your own Spring Break bash. Grab some friends and rent a house for the weekend. Find one with a swimming pool, or one close to a lake or ocean, and create your own tropical paradise right in your own backyard; host a luau, play silly games, and take plenty of crazy selfies. You’re only limited by your creativity.
3. Road Trip
You probably don’t get much free time during the semester to actually explore your surroundings, so use Spring Break as an excuse to hit the road. Follow the coastline, check out some the hot foodie joints, or embark on an epic trip to see some of America’s strangest roadside attractions. Whether you use or map or not, you’re bound to find something interesting along the way.
4. Cruising
Many people don’t realize how affordable it is to take a cruise. We love it because you only have to unpack one time, but you get the chance to visit several locations. Food is free and available 24 hours a day! You can literally go crazy with activities, or snooze away while getting a great tan. Right now, you can snag some awesome deals on 7-day trips with prices starting as low as $329 per person (even lower for Florida residents!), but space is limited. Check out Vacations To Go to see what’s available in your area.
5. Staycation
If you are on a really tight budget, and just can’t afford to leave campus, there are still plenty of fun things to do over Spring Break. Visit your city’s website and see what’s going on. There’s probably a music festival, art show, or other public event that is free or reasonably priced. You can also explore your area’s historical landmarks or try some of the local cuisine. Take a walk, ride a bike, or use public transportation to see what you may have been missing right in your own backyard.
Another way to kill some time without killing your student bank account is to spend Spring Break organizing and cleaning your dorm room. A fresh, new look may be just what you need to get through the rest of the semester. Do you have any inexpensive ideas for Spring Break? Share them with us in the comment section.