it is one of the barriers for Chinese students
Barriers to College Success for Chinese Students: Education Marketing vs College Counseling
There are multiple barriers for Chinese students to attend college in the US. First, Chinese students do not have freedom of choice in terms of college selections. Second, Chinese students are not counseled on college majors and careers. Third, Chinese students that hire placement agencies are bound by contracts for college admissions with the agencies.
Since parents often make all the decisions. Chinese recruiting agencies target them with aggressive advertising guaranteeing admissions to a US college. What is lacking is a student-centric focus that matches college selection to the student’s individual profile. Instead, gaining admissions to college is the only gauge of success. This single focus ignores other important considerations such as selecting the right college major, the suitability of the campus environment, and whether the college selection supports the student’s future career goal.
This can result in multiple barriers to graduation after gaining admissions to college. Chinese students attending a college that is too large often become isolated and discouraged. Students who gains admissions without forethought and counseling on selection of college majors can end up in majors that do not match career goals. Although the statistics are lacking with regard to graduation ratios of Chinese students from US colleges, anecdotal evidence suggests that many Chinese students struggle to graduate after being admitted.
The aggressive marketing tactics in China by recruiting agencies have inappropriately focused attention on gaining admission to college instead of selecting the right college that is suitable matched to the student.
, however, single goal that that When we talk about college access for Chinese students, knowledge is the key. Knowledge has all the powers to difference the students decision and the parents decision. We would expect students to learn everything they need to learn about a particular school. Through multiple channels, different perspectives, and sometimes including the experts in the US but in China, students are only getting information about particular schools or college through education marketings. And one of them highlight for education marketing is to promote college rankings therefore turned colleges into commodities. Students and parents normally know very little about the schools they apply to but they know every single ranking numbers for all the schools. They may not understand exactly but the ranking represent what is behind the philosophy that each ranking agency have to produce. But all the Chinese students share one thing in common that number ten is usually different from number eleven. It is not in dispute that education marketing has direct impact on college access for Chinese students especially the majority of education marketing are produced in china by the Chinese agencies. Those agencies share one thing in common which is to commoditize the college admission market. It is a billion dollar industry with great power and inference to create a barrier and limited access for Chinese students. Colleges may not know that Chinese students may not have access to social networks such as facebook, youtube, and twitter in china. Those social network mediums are highly conducted by colleges as tools for their education marketing purposes. Therefore it is extremely hard for Chinese students to gain perspectives about the difference between different type of colleges and be able to sort out what’s important to them.
There are three major websites in china that are currently promoting college admissions and provide educational materials for Chinese students. A lot of those articles are in fact incorrect and misleading in general. If that’s the type of environment for the students to learn everything they need to learn about colleges, we should understand the challenges and the barriers are certainly at odds with the Chinese students. We all agree students and parents should make their decisions solely on their best interest but it’s hard for them to compare thousands of schools in the US and understand the differences. The simplest way to shop for colleges is to use ranking systems. One of the challenges of selecting schools based on ranking is the acceptance rank and the chance for the student to succeed in college.
Educating the Chinese students is not an easy task for anyone because the Chinese students do not have access to counselors. The mass media in china normally promote best interest of the Chinese agencies because they pay for advertisements and then the most US colleges and universities does not offer a lot of education materials specifically for Chinese students. Although the fact that the Chinese students are number one in terms of enrollment, this year replaced India on the top of the list, we still have a long way to bring the knowledge to the Chinese students therefore help them to make an informed decision. Without informed decision, students are normally not prepared in terms of what to expect, what not to expect once they’re enrolled. That will ultimately impact the student’s experiences in college. Education marketing is very powerful, depends on who’s doing it. If the US colleges and universities are coming together to provide accurate information to the Chinese students, we believe that will ultimately impact a lot of decisions for the Chinese students in terms of college admissions.
Other barriers which include the major selections are very obvious. Chinese students typically apply to business schools and engineering schools and they have no idea what the school has to offer for the ninety percent decrease that they never heard. It is also very interesting to see that some of the Chinese students actually made an assumption that business major is the solution for everyone and ultimately become entrepreneurs just like their parents. What they’re going to find out is the fact that the business school is not right for everyone especially the students does not possess leadership skills and organizational skills. Those students will learn all the basic curriculums as a business major student. Must they graduate, returning back to China, those classes they learned in college may have very little to do with daily activities and job responsibilities in china.
The Barriers: Education Marketing vs College Access for Chinese Students
There are multiple barriers for Chinese students when it comes to college access. First of all, Chinese students have a very little control in terms of college selections. Second of all, Chinese students never have the opportunity to receive counseling about major selections and career choice. The third barrier is that the fact that most Chinese students are bonded by contracts for college admissions with the Chinese agencies.
When we talk about college access for Chinese students, knowledge is the key. Knowledge has all the powers to differentiate the student’s decision and the parents’ decision. We would expect students to learn everything they need to know about a particular school through multiple channels, different perspectives, and sometimes including the experts in the US. But in China, students are only getting information about particular schools or college through education marketing. One of the highlights for education marketing is to promote college rankings, therefore turning colleges into commodities. Students and parents normally know very little about the schools they apply to but they know every single ranking number for all the schools. They may not understand exactly but the ranking represents what is behind the philosophy that each ranking agency has to produce. But all the Chinese students share one thing in common that they know is that the number ten is usually different from the number eleven. It is not in dispute that education marketing has direct impact on college access for Chinese students especially the majority of education marketing is produced in China by the Chinese agencies. Those agencies share one thing in common which is to commoditize the college admission market. It is a billion dollar industry with great power and inference to create a barrier and limited access for Chinese students. Colleges may not know that Chinese students may not have access to social networks such as Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter in china. Those social network mediums are highly conducted by colleges as tools for their education marketing purposes. Therefore it is extremely hard for Chinese students to gain perspectives about the difference between different types of colleges and be able to sort out what’s important to them.
There are three major websites in China that are currently promoting college admissions and providing educational materials for Chinese students. A lot of those articles are in fact incorrect and misleading in general. If that’s the environment the students use to learn everything they need to learn about colleges, we should understand the challenges and the barriers are certainly at odds with the Chinese students. We all agree students and parents should make their decisions solely on their best interest but it’s hard for them to compare thousands of schools in the US and understand the differences. The simplest way to shop for colleges is to use ranking systems. One of the challenges of selecting schools based on ranking is the acceptance rank and the chance for the student to succeed in college.
Educating the Chinese students is not an easy task for anyone because the Chinese students do not have access to counselors. The mass media in China normally promote in the best interest of the Chinese agencies because they pay for advertisements and most US colleges and universities do not offer a lot of education materials specifically for Chinese students. Although the fact that the Chinese students are number one in terms of enrollment, this year replacing India on the top of the list, we still have a long way to bring the knowledge to the Chinese students to help them to make an informed decision. Without informed decision, students are normally not prepared in terms of what to expect and what not to expect once they’re enrolled. That will ultimately impact the student’s experiences in college. Education marketing is very powerful depending on who’s doing it. If the US colleges and universities are coming together to provide accurate information to the Chinese students, we believe that will ultimately impact a lot of decisions for the Chinese students in terms of college admissions.
Other barriers which include the major selections are very obvious. Chinese students typically apply to business schools and engineering schools and they have no idea what the school has to offer for the ninety percent decrease that they never heard. It is also very interesting to see that some of the Chinese students actually make an assumption that business major is the solution for everyone and ultimately become entrepreneurs just like their parents. What they’re going to find out is the fact that the business school is not right for everyone especially the students who do not possess leadership and organizational skills. Those students will learn all the basic curriculums as a business major student. Once they graduate and perhaps return back to China, those classes they learned in college may have very little to do with daily activities and job responsibilities there.