What are some tips for a successful job interview?


Our Counselors Answered:

What are some tips for a successful job interview?
Ronald Harris

What are some tips for a successful job interview?

Study the company, and come dressed to impress. Business suits only!

Reecy ArestyCollege Admissions/Financial Aid Expert & AuthorPayless For College, Inc.

What are some tips for a successful job interview?

Here are a few:

1. Be early – do a dry run the day before so you’ll avoid parking problems, etc. 2. Bring your resume & any LOR’s 3. Dress properly, but don’t overdue it 4. Impress upon the interviewer that you’re the perfect candidate & that you want the job in no uncertain terms & that you’ll be an asset to their organization 5. Answer yes/no questions accordingly – if more info is requested comply 6. Be polite & don’t interrupt or contradict