Our Counselors Answered:
What is the universal application?
Karen O’Neill, MSEdCounselorKSO College Counselling
What is the universal application?
Similar to the Common Application, the Universal Application is an online application process that allows student applicants to fill out once and then submit to any of the 43+ schools that accept the Universal Application. The Universal Application is a for profit internet site. The Common Application is run by the schools who are members of the Common Application group.
Bill PrudenHead of Upper School, College CounselorRavenscroft School
What is the universal application?
The Universal College Application (UCA) is a web-based college application process aimed at overhauling and streamlining the modern online college admissions process. It is seeking to develop a collaborative partnership between applicants, schools, the testing organizations and other appropriate non-profits in an effort to make the whole application process faster, easier, and more inclusive. A central goal is to expand the pool of people applying to college and it is working with NACAC (the National Association for College Admissions Counseling) to get as wide based participation as possible.
Michael PuccioPresident/Advisor/Life CoachFuture First Advisors, LLC
What is the universal application?
The Universal Application is a “form application” that several schools will accept as an official admissions application. What this means is that instead of having to fill out an individual application for every school to which you wish to apply, you might only need to fill out the Universal Application once and send it to several schools. The tricky part is that at this time only 43 colleges accept the Universal Application; check their list of member schools and if at least two schools match up with the schools on your prospective list, go ahead and use it. If only one of your prospective schools is on the list, don’t bother with it – just use that school’s application.
Best of luck!
Brittany MaschalFounder/DirectorB. Maschal Educational Consulting
What is the universal application?
An application you fill out to apply to colleges. Like the Common Application, but used by fewer schools. Link here: https://www.universalcollegeapp.com/
Brittany MaschalFounder/DirectorB. Maschal Educational Consulting
What is the universal application?
An application you fill out to apply to colleges. Like the Common Application, but used by fewer schools. Link here: https://www.universalcollegeapp.com/
Rebecca JosephExecutive Director & Foundergetmetocollege.org
What is the universal application?
The universal application is another free application service. There are more than 70 colleges on the application and some overlap with the common app and some don’t. It is basically the same as the original common app, and the essays overlap. Some colleges have supplements. I wish there were only one application as the universal application is confusing to many kids. But it is there, and it is worth doing if more than two colleges use it that are not on any other application service.
Geoff BroomeAssistant Director of AdmissionsWidener University
one stop shopping
The Universal Application works much like the common app. One application for multiple universities.
Diana HansonCommon Sense College CounselingCollege Mentors
What is the universal application?
The Universal Application is another alternative to the Common Application that colleges may choose to use. When you use the Universal Application (or Common Application), you fill out the majority of information once for all participating colleges to which you’re applying, and then complete supplement information specific to each college. Currently, there are 44 colleges that accept the Universal Application: https://www.universalcollegeapp.com/colleges
Diana HansonCommon Sense College CounselingCollege Mentors
What is the universal application?
The Universal Application is another alternative to the Common Application that colleges may choose to use. When you use the Universal Application (or Common Application), you fill out the majority of information once for all participating colleges to which you’re applying, and then complete supplement information specific to each college. Currently, there are 44 colleges that accept the Universal Application: https://www.universalcollegeapp.com/colleges
Reecy ArestyCollege Admissions/Financial Aid Expert & AuthorPayless For College, Inc.
What is the universal application?
The Universal College Application is an online admissions application consortium for college-bound students, and can be found at universalapplication.com.
Zahir RobbCollege CounselorThe Right Fit College
What is the universal application?
The universal application is similar to the “Common App”, as it allows you to submit one set of information to many campuses, in essence streamlining the application process. They currently have 44 members, less than that of the Common App, but depending on the schools you are interested in, you may find yourself completing both.
Dr SharonAssociate Professor and Program Director of the International Business Bachelor ProgramFriends University
What is the universal application?
This allows a student to complete one application and to submit it to a number of institutions. The program is still developing and does not cover most colleges and universities as of fall 2012.
Emily GoldmanFounder and CounselorGrey Guidance
What is the universal application?
The UNIVERSAL APPLICATION is a single college application that can be used to apply to nearly 500 colleges and universities both in the US as well as internationally. It essentially allows students to complete one application but apply to many schools on their college lists. A couple of things to keep in mind:
1) you will complete one registration process and then be able to “populate” your Common Application profile with all of the schools on your list that will accept the Common Application
2) once the universal application is complete and submitted to one school, it cannot be edited (but the supplemental, school-specific materials can be edited)
3) many schools within the Common Application system will require additional supplemental materials
4) your letters of recommendation from teachers and your school counselor are managed through this Common Application
5) test scores and transcripts must be sent separately
Generally speaking, the Common Application is incredibly helpful in streamlining the amount of work you need to do within the college application process, as long as you use it correctly.
Good luck!
Ronald Harris
What is the universal application?
TThe Universal College Application was launched in 2007 to give students another (and some say, easier) way to apply to college.
Students can use this one application to apply to dozens of colleges and universities. Some schools, however, still may require additional paperwork or materials, such as a college admissions essay or a recommendation letter.
The premise of the Universal College Application wasn’t new. The Common Application was introduced in 1975, and students also use it to apply to multiple colleges and universities with only one form.
Nicole PorterAdmissions ManagerPrivate University in AZ
What is the universal application?
There is an application called the Common Application. You can fill this out and send it to multiple colleges and universities. The institution that you’re sending it to must be a Common App school. If you want to apply to a school that is not a subscriber of this service you will have to fill out the schools’ admissions application.
Rohit GoyalIvy League CounselorHarvard University
What is the universal application?
You have to fill out one application which serves as your application for several colleges. This saves your time and energy of filling out individual applications. This is a good option till you want to study in the listed colleges which are 43+ presently.
Nancy MilneOwnerMilne Collegiate Consulting
Universal Application
The Universal Application is an online application similar to the Common Application, just used by different schools.
Laura O’Brien GatzionisFounderEducational Advisory Services
Universal College Application
The Universal College Application is an online college application for a group of approximately 60 colleges and universities. See the website for a list os participating colleges. Some schools also require an institutional supplement.
王文君 June ScortinoPresidentIVY Counselors Network
paper application
international students can use universal appliation as common application for many colleges at the same time. it is normally used offline and accepted by many colleges. for colleges that are not listed with common application, they will accept universal application from the students.
Helen H. ChoiOwnerAdmissions Mavens
What is the universal application?
The Universal Application is an online application service — very similar to the Common Application. The big difference is that the Universal Application has a little over 50 schools in its consortium and the Common Application has over 450. There’s no advantage in using one service over the other. If you decide to use the Universal Application this year, just be sure that all or most of the schools to which you are applying are members so that you save time, energy and anxiety! For more information on the Universal Application, check out their site: https://www.universalcollegeapp.com/index.cfm?ACT=Display&APP=APPONLINE&DSP=COLLEGEINFO
Henry DelAngeloHigh School Counselor 20 + yearsYour Key to College
What is the universal application?
The universal application is an electronic application that 43 schools subscribe to in order to make applying to them easier. You will fill out your information one time and be able to submit to any of the 43 schools.
Pamela Hampton-GarlandOwnerScholar Bound
What is the universal application?
The Universal College Application is a college admission application that allows students to apply to any of the participating colleges. See….https://www.universalcollegeapp.com/
Garth H
What is the universal application?
An application that works with all universities?
Sommer LangSchool Counselor
What is the universal application?
The universal application is a general application that most colleges will accept. If you use the universal application, you have to find out if each college requires any supplemental information.