This scholarship is open to U.S. students at the University of North Florida who have been accepted into a program offered by the School of Engineering (civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering). Students must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
Category Archives: engineering-scholarships
UNF Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) Scholarship
This scholarship is available to students at the University of North Florida who have a declared major in engineering or construction management. Students must: have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher; be involved in extracurricular activities; and demonstrate leadership in their activities.
YASME Foundation Scholarship
The YASME Foundation Scholarship is open to U.S. and international students who are licensed radio amateurs (general class or higher) and studying the sciences or engineering. Preference will be given to students who are active in a local amateur radio club and in community service, as well as students who are ranked in the top 10 percent of their class (high school or college).
Allen and Bertha Watson Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is open to international and U.S. students who are licensed radio amateurs studying science, technology, or engineering. Students must be residents of or attending college in Oklahoma (second preference goes to students residing in or attending college in Texas).
Betty Weatherford, KQ6RE, Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is open to international and U.S. students who are licensed radio amateurs. Students must be studying electrical or communications engineering.
Gary Wagner, K3OMI, Scholarship
This scholarship is for U.S. students who are licensed radio amateurs (novice class or higher) pursuing a bachelor of science degree in any field of engineering. Students must reside in North Carolina, Maryland, Tennessee, Virginia, or West Virginia; students must demonstrate financial need.
Southeastern DX Club Scholarship
The Southeastern DX Club Scholarship is open to international and U.S. students who are active members of an amateur radio club affiliated with the ARRL. Students must reside in Georgia; second preference will go to students who reside in the ARRL Southeastern Division if there are no qualified Georgia applicants.
Victor Poor, W5SMM, Memorial Scholarship
The Victor Poor, W5SMM, Memorial Scholarship is open to international and U.S. students who are licensed radio amateurs (any class) and study electronic engineering. Preference will be given to students with a concentration in digital communications.
Ray, NØRP, & Katie, WØKTE, Pautz Scholarship
This scholarship is open to international and U.S. students who are licensed radio amateurs (general class or higher) and members of ARRL. Students must reside in the ARRL Midwest Division area (IA, KS, MO, NE) and study electronics, computer science, or a related field.
North Fulton Amateur Radio League Scholarship
This scholarship is open to international and U.S. students who are members of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and reside in Georgia (or the ARRL Southeastern Division, if no qualified candidates from Georgia apply). Students must study engineering or computer science; if no qualified applicants studying those fields apply, applicants from all fields of study will be considered.