Engineering students enrolled in an undergraduate program at an institution located in Norfolk Southern’s service area are eligible for this award. Students must have a grade point average of 2.0 or higher and have an interest in railroad engineering.
Category Archives: engineering-scholarships
AREMA Women’s Engineering Scholarship
Undergraduate women who are majoring in engineering are eligible for this award. Students must have a grade point average of 2.0 or higher and have an interest in railway engineering.
Michigan Tech Alumni Scholarship
Engineering students enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program at Michigan Tech University who are Railroad Engineering and Activities Club (REAC) members or club officers are eligible for this award. Students must have a grade point average of 2.0 or higher and have an interest in railway engineering.
AISES Intel Scholarship
American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian undergraduate and graduate students with a grade point average of 3.0 or higher are eligible for this award. Students must major in computer science, computer engineering, electrical engineering, chemical engineering, or materials science.
ASME/Virginia Tech Memorial Scholarship
U.S. graduate students enrolled at the Virginia Institute of Technology are eligible for this award. Students must be studying mechanical engineering.
Marjorie Roy Rothermel Scholarship
U.S. citizens enrolled in a mechanical engineering master’s degree program are eligible for this award. Students must be enrolled full time.
Charles B. Scharp Scholarship
U.S. students who will begin their final year (i.e., fourth or fifth year) of undergraduate study in the fall are eligible for this award. Students must be studying mechanical engineering.
Elisabeth M. and Winchell M. Parsons Scholarship
U.S. citizens enrolled in a mechanical engineering doctoral program are eligible for this award. Students must be ernolled full time.
Sylvia W. Farny Scholarship
U.S. students who will begin their final year (i.e., fourth or fifth year) of undergraduate study in the fall are eligible for this award. Students must be studying mechanical engineering.
Agnes Malakate Kezios Scholarship
U.S. students who will begin their final year of undergraduate study (fourth or fifth year) in the fall are eligible for this award. Students must be studying mechanical engineering.