U.S. incoming college freshmen who are the minor dependents of active duty Air Force, Air Force Reserve or Air National Guar enlisted airmen are eligible for this award. Financial need and academic need will be considered.
Category Archives: engineering-scholarships
Lucille & Charles A. Wert Scholarship
U.S. students who are juniors or seniors in a metallurgy or materials science engineering program and are members of ASM International are eligible for this award. Financial need is required.
Emily M. Hewitt Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is available for upper division and graduate students in California colleges/universities who show a commitment to communicate and interpret a love of nature and an understanding of need to practice conservation. Eligible fields of study include, but are not limited to, the following: environmental protection, forestry, wildlife and fisheries biology, parks and recreation, park management, environmental law and public policy, environmental art, and California history.
VLWA Leo Bourassa Scholarship
This scholarship is available for international and U.S. students who are attending a Virginia college or university and are Virginia residents. Students must have completed two or more semesters of undergraduate study, and must be enrolled in a curriculum related to water resources.
Dr. Randy Pausch Scholarship
This scholarship is available for currently enrolled U.S. and international undergraduate and graduate students who have an intention to enter the game industry in some capacity. The student must have a grade point average of 3.3 or higher. Click here to learn more and apply today!
California Capital Airshow Scholarship
This scholarship is available for U.S. high school seniors and current/returning college students who have at least two years of academic college-level work yet to complete. Students must have a desire and intention to pursue a professional career in the areas of aviation management, aeronautics, aerospace engineering, aeronautical mechanics and electronics, or other related fields.
UNF Miller Electric Company Annual Scholarship
This scholarship is available for rising juniors and seniors at the University of North Florida who are majoring in building construction management or civil engineering. Students must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
UNF First Coast Manufacturers Association (FCMA) Scholarship
This scholarship is available for rising juniors and seniors at the University of North Florida who have declared a major in civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering. Students must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
UNF American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Scholarship
This scholarship is available for juniors and seniors at the University of North Florida who are enrolled in the mechanical engineering program. Students must have a grade point average of 2.5 or higher.
UNF American Society of Highway Engineers (ASHE) Scholarship
This scholarship is available for U.S. juniors and seniors at the University of North Florida who plan to major in civil engineering or building construction management. Students must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.