The Gold Law Firm Challenge Yourself Scholarship

Kevin Maez was a man whose life was a testament to dedication, care, and an unyielding drive. Despite facing early setbacks, including dropping out of high school, Kevin was unwavering in his determination to create a meaningful life for himself. He defied the odds by obtaining his GED and swiftly pursuing an associate’s degree in computer science. His commitment didn’t stop there; Kevin poured his energy into his work for the State of Colorado and …

Fawell & Fawell Out-of-State Scholarship

In today’s world, college students do not have it easy. In addition to the skyrocketing costs of college tuition, the amounts students will need to pay for expenses such as housing and transportation have also increased significantly. Many students struggle to cover these costs and ensure that they can receive the proper education and pursue their career goals. Students who attend college in states or regions of the country that are far away from their …

Federal Justice Reform Scholarship

As a dedicated Maryland criminal defense attorney, Kush Arora focuses his practice on representing individuals who have been accused of a variety of offenses, from misdemeanors to felonies. The work of a criminal defense attorney is as tough as it is important. That is because the presumption of innocence, what many of us know as the right to be considered innocent until proven otherwise, is the cornerstone of our justice system. As such, it requires …

“In Your Corner” Scholarship

Earn $500 toward your education by telling your story! Combs Law Group is excited to announce our current scholarship essay contest. See below for scholarship contest terms. As a criminal defense lawyer, we often stand physically by someone’s side when they feel like the world (or at least the city, state, or federal government) are against them. Though our job is to defend our clients, it’s often not about whether or not we believe they …

More Than A Teacher Scholarship

Put simply, a teacher is an individual who assists in the educatation of another individual on a particular topic or subject. However, teachers are much more than simply educators for our youth. Teachers and professors work selflessly to shape the lives of our youth through educating, mentoring, instilling confidence, and guiding them through life to help them reach their aspirations. At Smith Hulsey Law, our attorneys have personal relationships with educators, which is why we …

Copyright in Cyberspace Scholarship

In this digital age, there are numerous streaming and content-sharing platforms. Each has its guidelines and rules. Some platforms, like Youtube, prohibit playing copyrighted music unless it follows Fair Use, while other platforms, like TikTok, can share copyrighted music freely. At The Lomnitzer Law Firm, P.A., we believe in the freedom of expression and that the work of artists should be protected. We are offering this $1,000 scholarship to a high school senior, college student, …

Making Waves Scholarship

At Mattis Law, we’ve dedicated our practice to Family Law, and we do everything we can to ensure that children and their families will have a safe and happy future. In this spirit, we’re offering a $500 scholarship to benefit a San Diego County high school senior or graduate who wishes to improve their future by pursuing higher education. This scholarship is open to 2024 California high school graduates pursuing a four-year college degree and …

Overcoming Adversity Scholarship

At Kopfler & Hermann, we are pleased to continue our annual scholarship for 2023! This $1,000 award will be given to a student who has overcome adversity and emerged stronger. With over 40 years of legal experience, Kopfler & Hermann law firm has served the Gulf Coast since 1992. As personal injury attorneys, we are committed to serving justice and ensuring injured workers and accident victims receive full compensation for their injuries and damages. Following …

Beyond the Challenges Scholarship

The Law Firm of Kevin A Moore is a workers’ compensation injury firm dedicated to helping those injured on the job. We are committed to providing legal support and advocacy for our clients. Through this scholarship, we are proud to extend that same level of support to the entire family, including students. That is why we are pleased to introduce our Beyond the Challenges Scholarship. This scholarship is aimed at those who have faced the …

James Kennedy Law One Tough Student Scholarship

At James Kennedy Law, we help our clients put up a tough fight against drunk drivers and other negligent parties who are responsible for their injuries. We know that it takes strength and resolve to overcome the effects of an accident with a drunk driver. With our One Tough Student Scholarship, we want to support college students who have been impacted by drunk driving and who want to join the fight against drunk driving in …