IBPF High School Essay Contest

This essay contest is open to U.S. and international students who are 13 to 19 years of age and enrolled in high school. Students must write an essay discussing whether people who live with bipolar disorder are stimgatized in their community.

Coolidge Scholarship

This full-ride scholarship is open to U.S. high school juniors who plan to enroll full time in an accredited U.S. college or university as an undergraduate for the first time in the fall term following high school graduation. Students are selected based on the following criteria: academic excellence; keen interest in public policy.

Customized Girl Scholarship

This scholarship contest is available for U.S. students who submit a statement through Twitter.

Georgia Future Champions Scholarship

This scholarship is available for high school and undergraduate students in Georgia who submit an original video and essay about someone who he or she looks up to as a superhero.

BulkOfficeSupply.com Scholarship

This scholarship is open to high school students and college freshmen and sophomores who reside in the United States. Students must have an interest in teaching, art, or owning their own business.

Writers’ Square Scholarship Program

This essay contest is open to U.S. and international students who are in first grade through graduate school. Contest winners may be asked to attend the awards banquet in California at their own cost to receive their prize.

Innovation in Education Scholarship

This award is for high school and college students in the U.S. or Canada that have completed a project that makes a difference in the lives of others. Students must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.

Debt.com Scholarship For Aggressive Scholarship Applicants

This scholarship is open to U.S. and international high school and college/university students. Students must have applied for other scholarships and submit proof of applications.