Carlson-Johnson Scholarship for Non-Traditional Students

U.S. and Canadian undergraduate students who are returning to school after a five-year or greater absence are eligible for this award. Students must be pursuing a career in a field related to floriculture or horticulture and be interested in bedding and/or floral crops.

Arcadia University Campus Achievement Award For Returning Students

U.S. undergraduate students attending Arcadia University in Pennsylvania are eligible for this award. Students must demonstrate financial need, campus involvement and have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.

NTA Utah – Keith Griffall Scholarship

This award is for U.S. undergraduate students who reside or attend school in Utah and are enrolled in a travel and tourism- or hospitality-related program of study. Students must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.

Becca’s Closet Spirit of Generosity Scholarship

Rebecca was a passionate, bright, fun-loving young woman who loved being with her friends and felt that no one should miss a high school event because they couldn’t afford to be there. She saw the inequity in the situation and sought to change things. During the Spring of her sophomore year, Becca singlehandedly collected and donated over 250 formal dresses and helped hundreds of girls across South Florida attend their High School proms in style. …