Chaffin Luhana Anti-Distracted Driving Scholarship

The Chaffin Luhana Anti-Distracted Driving Scholarship is an essay contest open to currently enrolled U.S. students who are 25 years of age or younger. Applicants must submit an original essay offering a unique and practical perspectives on the dangers posed by distracted drivers.

Law Offices of Dianne Sawaya Denver Dreams Scholarship

The Law Offices of Dianne Sawaya Denver Dreams Scholarship is available for high school seniors and undergraduate students in Colorado. Applicants must submit an original essay OR video in response to the topic prompts listed on the scholarship application.

Georgia Future Champions Scholarship

This scholarship is available for high school and undergraduate students in Georgia who submit an original video and essay about someone who he or she looks up to as a superhero.

Samuel W. Thompson Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is open to Vermont undergraduate and graduate students who reside in Caledonia and Washington counties and are seeking a degree in law enforcement or fish and game management. Students must demonstrate financial need and education/work ethic and face significant barriers or obstacles that limit his/her access to education after high school.

Nichols Family Scholarship (Agriculture and Environmental Science)

This scholarship is for Vermont undergraduate students who are seeking a degree in agriculture or environmental studies. Students must demonstrate financial need.

eQuality Recent High School Graduate Scholarship

This scholarship is available for residents of central and northern California who have recently graduated high school and are preparing to enroll in college as a first-time freshman student. Applicants must identify as LGBT or demonstrate a history of working toward equality of LGBT individuals.

Hi-Low Farm Orleans County 4-H Scholarship

This scholarship is open to U.S. undergraduate and graduate students who reside in Orleans County, Vermont, who were active in 4-H in their youth. Students must demonstrate financial need, community involvement/service, and education/work ethic.