Aldo Freda Legislative Pages Scholarship

This award is available for Rhode Island undergraduate and graduate students who are legislative pages in Rhode Island. Awards are based on financial need, academic achievement, and good citizenship.

James J. Burns and C. A. Haynes Textile Scholarship

This scholarship is open to Rhode Island undergraduate and graduate students who are studying textiles at an accredited institution. Students must demonstrate financial need.

Albert E. and Florence W. Newton Nursing Scholarship

This award is available for U.S. students currently enrolled in an undergraduate nursing program who have financial need. Preference is given to residents of Rhode Island.

Donald A. Williams Soil Conservation Scholarship

This award is for U.S. and Canadian undergraduate students who have been a member of the Soil and Water Conservation Society for one year or more. The applicant must be currently employed by a natural resource conservation endeavor and pursuing a conservation-related field.

Martin Duffy Adult Learner Scholarship

This award is available for members of the Minnesota AFL-CIO who are attending any accredited college, university, or trade school. Selection is made by random drawing and there are no past academic qualifications or records required. Spouses and dependants of Minnesota AFL-CIO members are not eligible for this award.

New York Women in Communications Foundation College Scholarship

This award is available for U.S. female high school seniors and/or current college students who are permanent residents of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut or Pennsylvania. Students must have a grade point average of 3.2 or higher overall, and major in a communications-related field, such as advertising, broadcasting, communications, journalism, marketing, new media or public relations.

NFMC/Irma Carey Wilson Music Therapy Award

This award is available for currently enrolled U.S. college sophomores, juniors, seniors and graduate students. Students must be pursuing a degree in music therapy or interning for music therapy, and must attend a school accredited by the American Music Therapy Association.

Paul Gallagher Entrepreneurial Scholarship

This scholarship is available for Vermont undergraduate students who are residents of Chittenden County and seeking a degree in business or a related field. Students must demonstrate entrepreneurial skills, endeavors, and/or achievements; academic achievement; and community involvement.