IRARC Memorial, Joseph P. Rubino, WA4MMD, Scholarship

This scholarship is open to U.S. and international undergraduate students and students pursuing an electronic technician certification program who are licensed radio amateurs. Students must be residents of Brevard County (FL) or Florida, and must have a grade point average of 2.5 or higher.

Gwinnett Amateur Radio Society Scholarship

This scholarship is open to international and U.S. students who attend four-year colleges/universities and possess an active amateur radio license (any class). Students must reside in Gwinnett County, GA, or the state of Georgia.

Albert H. Hix, W8AH, Memorial Scholarship

This award is open to international and U.S. licensed radio amateurs (general class or higher) who are residents of and attending school in West Virginia. Students must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.

Ted, W4VHF, and Itice, K4LVV, Goldthorpe Scholarship

The Ted, W4VHF, and Itice, K4LVV, Goldthorpe Scholarship is open to international and U.S. students at four-year colleges/universities and possess an active amateur radio license (any class). Students must demonstrate financial need and active volunteer service in their community.

Challenge Met Scholarship

This scholarship is open to international and U.S. students attending two- or four-year colleges, technical schools, or universities that are licensed radio amateurs. Applicants must submit documents of learning disability (by physician or school) and indications that they are putting forth substantial effort regardless of resulting academic grades.

Jake McClain Driver KC5WXA Scholarship

This scholarship is open to international and U.S. licensed radio amateurs (technical class or higher) who can provide at least one QLSL card received within the past 12 months. Students must reside in the ARRL Delta Division (AR, LA, MS, TN) and study electronics, computers, or journalism.

Byron Blanchard, N1EKV Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is open to international and U.S. licensed radio amateurs who reside in the ARRL New England Division area (Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont and Maine).

L. B. Cebik, W4RNL, and Jean Cebik, N4TZP, Memorial Scholarship

The L. B. Cebik, W4RNL, and Jean Cebik, N4TZP, Memorial Scholarship is open to U.S. and international students who are licensed radio amateurs studying at four-year institutions. Students must possess a technician class or higher license.

William Bennett, W7PHO, Memorial Scholarship

The William Bennett, W7PHO, Memorial Scholarship is open to international and U.S. undergraduate and graduate students who are licensed radio amateurs (general class or higher) and have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher. Students must reside in the areas covered by the ARRL Northwest, Pacific, or Southwest divisions.