Friends of Senator Jack Perry Migrant Scholarship

This award is available to current high school seniors who show recent history of movement to and from New York for agricultural employment. Applications are available by contacting the Geneseo Migrant Center.

Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society Scholarship

This award is available for U.S. students who are planning to enroll in, or are currently enrolled in a wound, ostonomy, or continence nursing program accredited by WOCN.

“Win Free College Tuition” Sweepstakes

All students who register on during an eligible drawing period and opt in to Win Free Tuition will qualify.

Steve E. & Mary M. Tuhy Scholarship

This scholarship is available to students who are members of a 4-H Club and residents of McHenry, Cass, Dunn, Stark, Mercer and Ward counties in North Dakota. Applicants must be currently enrolled in or planning to enroll in an accredited college or university at the time of application.

John D. Paulson Memorial Award

The John D. Paulson Memorial Award is awarded to students who have been involved in the 4-H club of Walsh County, North Dakota. Applicants must be currently enrolled or planning to enroll in a vocational school, college, or university.

AG Bell College Scholarship Program

This award is available for U.S. undergraduate and graduate students with pre-lingual, bi-lateral hearing loss that is classified as moderate to severe. Applicants must have a grade point average of 3.25 or higher and plan to enroll full time in an accredited college or university.

Dallas Area Paralegal Association Scholarship Fund

Dallas Area Paralegal Association Scholarship is available to Dallas-area paralegals who are currently enrolled in a local college or university. Applicants must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher and demonstrate unmet financial need.