SIM Chicago Scholarship

This scholarship offers up to $2,500 per year for two years. Preference will be given to students who are entering their sophomore year or above, who have declared a major in a computer science related field and who demonstrate financial need. SIM Chicago provides a unique opportunity to interact with thought leaders throughout the technology and business fields. The SIM Chicago Scholarship helps fulfill SIM Chicago’s commitment to helping develop the next generation of IT …

David Prasse Community Schools Scholarship

Loyola University Chicago offers five awards of varying amounts via a selective process to admitted students from Senn High School. Eligible students must graduate from Senn High School by the summer term and be admitted to Loyola by March 1st. Admitted students are also encouraged to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible to qualify for the Illinois Monetary Program (MAP). Undocumented students are invited to apply as well. …

Rachel Carson Scholarship in the Institute of Environmental Sustainability

The Rachel Carson Scholarship provides the opportunity for students to learn about nature by studying in nature through summer coursework at Loyola’s Retreat and Ecology Campus (LUREC). LUREC is Loyola’s newest campus located 50 miles NE of Chicago, on 98 acres of wetland, forest, prairies, and ponds, with a 3-acre organic student farm. Courses offered at LUREC include Field Ornithology, Principles of Ecology, Wetland Ecology, Restoration Ecology, Conservation Biology, and Sustainable Agriculture. Awardees will be …

Shell Technical Scholarship for Undergraduate Students

Shell Company (“Shell”) offers $5,000 annual scholarships through the Shell Technical Fund Scholarship program to students pursuing an undergraduate degree in a specific technical field of study at certain universities. The scholarship can be used to pay for tuition and/or school expenses. If the necessary criteria are met, at Shell’s discretion, a student’s scholarship may be renewed up to four years or until Bachelor degree requirements are complete, whichever occurs first. Scholarship recipients are notified …

Shell Incentive Program

Shell Company (“Shell”) offers $5,000 annual scholarships through the Shell Incentive Fund Scholarship program to underrepresented students pursuing an undergraduate degree in a specific technical field of study at certain universities. The scholarship can be used to pay for tuition and/or school expenses. If the necessary criteria are met, at Shell’s discretion, a student’s scholarship may be renewed up to four years or until Bachelor degree requirements are complete, whichever occurs first. Scholarship recipients are …

The Shell Associate Scholarship Program

Shell Company (“Shell”) offers up to $2200 annual scholarships through the Shell Associate Scholarship Program fund to students pursuing an Associate degree in a specific technical and/or craft field of study at one of the specified institutions. The scholarship can be used to pay for tuition and/or school expenses. If the necessary criteria are met, at Shell’s discretion, a student’s scholarship may be renewed up to 3 years or until Associate degree requirements are met, …

Shell Highschool Senior Scholarship Program

The Shell Technical Scholarship and Shell Incentive Fund Scholarship have been created to provide financial and career assistance to graduating high school seniors who have expressed an interest in the energy industry and demonstrated an aptitude in mathematics and science. In each program, Shell will sponsor up to 20 one-year awards of $2,500 for selected graduating high school seniors enrolling in engineering or geosciences at universities identified by Shell. These scholarship programs support Shell’s objective …

Café Bustelo El Café Del Futuro Scholarship

We’re honored to invest in our community by awarding twenty-five $5,000 scholarships to college students at HACU-member institutions to help further their education. This year, Café Bustelo asked applicants to share how their heritage, family, and community have impacted their desire and motivation to obtain a college degree; how they plan to give back to their community; and what they intend to accomplish with their degree in an essay in English or Spanish (800 words …

Prudential Emerging Visionaries Scholarship

Do you have a vision to transform your community—and the world—for the better? Where others see problems, do you see potential? Prudential Emerging Visionaries is a national recognition program that awards young people who are leading innovative projects to address financial or societal challenges in their communities. We’re accepting applications until November 2, 2023.

Chicago STAR Scholarship

The Chicago STAR Scholarship is awarded to students who graduated from a CPS high school and enrolled into the City Colleges of Chicago’s STAR Scholar program. STARS Scholars who have completed at least 15 semester (22 quarter) hours at the time of admission to DePaul will automatically receive a $2,000 annual Chicago STAR Scholarship. This award may be combined with the DePaul Transfer Scholarship or the DAPP Scholarship, as well as with the Phi Theta …