Adelphi University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


i wish that i knew it would be extremely difficult to get any experience in my career choice. i also wish i knew that the teaching method is horrible and professors care less about your career choice.


That unless you dorm or join Greek life... socialization is very limited.


i wish i would have known how fun it was going to be


I wish I would have known that I wasn't going to be getting that much money from the school. You have to go to the financial aid office in tears literally to get some type of money or to be able to speak with a counselor that is willing to help There aren't many african american study classes Small population of black students and they are limited to do certain things that other clubs can do Socially it isn't the same at other ethnic backrounds Professors that I have come across are just here for a paycheck


I wish I had known about the tuition increases.