If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I will tell myself to not pick the easy way out. Even though as a young adult and high school senior I would just love to go to college to hurry up and finish my education so I can start my career that is not the way to think of it. I would tell myself to really think of what I want to do and what I really want to accomplish in this world. Even if another eight years is needed to finish my education at least it would be something that I really want to do. I would also tell myself to use my intelligence to the highest degree possible because that is what will help me throughout my years in college and career. I will tell myself to always have a positive attitude on my intelligence and that I can do it, no matter how hard it will get.
If i could go back in time and talk to my self as a highschool senior, I would tell myself to make better grades. I would also tell my self to start looking for scholarships, and apply for everything you can. I would tell my self to go into journalism, so everyone does not think you are just waisting money. I would tell my self not to slack, and to study and work harder to get a job and save all of my graduation and birthday money.
Now that I am a few weeks away from getting my Associate of Arts degree in Social Sciences, I realize that I could have made it much easier on myself from the beginning. When I was transitioning from high school to community college, I had goals but I was unsure of how to achieve them. High school did not prepare me for what was to come. In fact, high school seems much harder now that I have college experience. If I could send myself a letter from the future, I would just say "don't be scared." College seems like a scary place but so does every new venture. As long as you have a head on your shoulders, you can succeed. Take those extra classes, sign up for those clubs, work the extra hours, write those scholarship essays. It pays off in the end. No more "what if?"s. Seize the day. Seize the night. Seize whatever it takes. Don't be scared. Success means that you may fail sometimes. But you are a better person for it. Don't fear the unknown. Make it your own.
I would let myself know that the "clicks" in highschool will no longer matter in the real world. Be yourself and stay focused! Hard work will pay off, and do not let other people get you down or make you feel unsmart. I would also let myself know that studying does not make you a nerd, it only helps!
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would definitely give myself better advice for the future. Knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition, I would tell myself to not just pass classes with C and B averages, to pass it with more A's then I had. To be the best and to study harder because just taking the easy route didn't help me to excel going into college. I would tell myself to make more friends and have more study sessions to get awesome grades. I would have most importantly told myself to pick up better study habits so that I would already have known how I study best.
I would go back and tell myself that college is not as bad as I thought that it would be. I would even say that in some ways college is easier than highschool. In highschool you have the same classes everyday, and in college you just have two to three classes and meet once or twice a week. I would also tell myself to keep up the good work. I have always tried to be a good student and college should be no different. I would like to tell myself to sign up for more scholarships. Even though I was fortunate enough to get several local scholarships, I could have used several more because of the economy that we are in. I would tell myself not to be surprised with the cost of text books. In college there is alot more responsiblity. Your parents are not telling you to get out of bed and go to class. They do not take you to college. You have to drive yourself to college and be on time for your classes. College is a new chapter in your life it is a chance to expand your horizons.
If I could go back as a high school senior and prepare mysel for college I would of told my self to prepare for the hard work and dedication. Yes I know there was going to be an amount of work to do but I could have better prepared myself for it. I could have prepared myself to work hard and know that you are on your own in college. There is now one here to baby you and ask you why you didn't turn in your work. It's jus you and yourself. I would have prepared myself to start with a bang. Don't come and be lazy, but come and push myself to start off and end strong. These are the thing I would have better prepared myself fr if I could go back as a high school senior.
I would give myself the advice to find the best way of studying for myself then, instead of when I got into college.
I would tell myself to have started saving more money. I realized college would be exspensive, but not this exspensive! Also to have started applying to scholarships earlier.
As a high school senior I would give myself the advice to study hard and never give up. I would also tell myself to just go to school to do something in the medical field because their are lots of opportunity out their. I would also tell myself that no matter what keep working hard.