Adventist University of Health Sciences Top Questions

What should every freshman at Adventist University of Health Sciences know before they start?


I would just say do my work and be focused on life. 'If you party now then you will have to pay (sacrifice) later. But if you pay (sacrifice) now then you will be able to party later." High school would have been a bigger breeze if I knew then what I know now. I wish I didn't fool around because I would've been beyond prepared for college. I am beyond thankful that I am in college and I now have goals, but I should've been more goal orientated in high school.


I would not worry so much over major courses, you have no choice, you have to take them. Relax and enjoy the elective courses that you take. Pick a major that you belive that you will enjoy doping for the rest of your life. Enjpy hthe whole experience because once you graduate, it's time to be an adult, with all the responsibilities that entails.


I think it is everyones dream to go back in time and redo somethings in their lives. I on the other hand I would not change a thing. There are things that I went through that I feel was necessary for me to go through. I am a recoverying addict on crystal meth. I have been clean since 2002, and the reason for my success is that I surround myself with successful people. Since 2002, I have been surrounding myself with positive people that are driven to succeed in life. I believe that my experiences has help shaped the person that I am today which, is positive about life, grateful for what I have and also driven. I am happy with the outcome of my life and would not change a thing.


I would have began my harder classes my first year in college.


In order to find the right college the prospective student should have an idea about what they want their experience to be like: fun and games or focused. Housing needs to be planned out (surrounding area), roommates needs to be chosen carefully (messy vs. clean) , and interview students in the prospective housing before hand to determine if living there is as good as it seems. Interview students about their views of the college. The atmosphere of the school should compliment the personality of the student. And most of all, do not go to a college you cannot afford. It stresses all parties and weighs on the student if they are conscious of fiscal responsibilities. The surrounding area is important in the fact that every college student needs a job. Check the unemployment rates of the area.


Taking your time to find the right college is so important. It's easy to feel like your in a rush with all the deadlines of appliactions and the choices you have to make. But going slow and really looking at all the pros and cons will help you to make the very best decision for your exact individual goals. If you can, I would definately recomend visiting as many campuses as possible. This will provide you with a better understanding of what the college is really like in person, instead of just hear say or what you've read on the interent. It will also give you a chance to ask any questions you might have. Then write everything out, for example-all your goals, what you felt/thought when you were at the school...ect. This will help you to sort things out in your head and help you remember what you were thinking when you were there. If you keep what your thinking about each school organized then it will be much easier when it come down to picking what college is best for you.


make sure you take the time and search out the best school for yourself. search for what you really want whether it be the education based learning or just time away with friends to hang out and have a good time


I would say that it is most important to do what it is that interests you. Going into a field and spending money on an education that you never intend to use is such a waste. Find a passion, find something that you feel strongly about and something that you wouldn't mind doing for the rest of your life. I have found something that is meaningful and makes me and my family proud. Prospective students should do the same.


You have to go and feel each one out. Talk to students who attend the school. Dont simply view a web page and say "It looks alright..."


I would advise parents and students to make sure that they have plenty of money saved up to go to college. Make sure that you stay focused and study hard because nothing in life is given to you. Parents and students must always be prepared for hard times.