Alabama A & M University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Alabama A & M University? Why?


The worst thing(s) about my school is the organization. Its conducted like a business. All they want is our money and then with all the money we give them each semester it never goes into things that benefit us. Its for useless things like signs, and bus stations and so called building funds that never seem to get fixed. The worst thing about my school is that there is no studentactivities. Our school is run by a bunch of Old People. We didnt even have wireless internet until 2007. Faculty,Administration, the President, currupt and unfair campus security.


the food, its disgusting


Financial Aid of course there are never enough funds, I don't know how it is calculated but I don't get a lot, and my mother is a single parent and is our only source of income.


They are slow to process all information including finicial aid.


The worst thing about our school is that there are so many buildings that are not being used and there is no logical explanation as to why. This year the housing office did not have enough space for all the people who wanted to live in the dorms, but there are two female dorms that have not been used since before I enrolled here. The worst thing about it is that the buildings are not pleasing to the eye.