Alabama A & M University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


That the dorm for the soar iis not the dorm that i will be living in during the year. That the cafeteria would serve the same food everyday with little to no variation.


I wish I would have know how well founded the music program was campared to other music programs.


The unorganized administration of the school as well as the lack of alumni support.


I honestly wish I would have known how compassionate the people at Wichita State University truly are. For years I had been set on attending the University of Kansas, simply because my older brother was attending school there. I now know that branching out was the best decision I could have made. Sure, I miss seeing my brother, but the fact that I am surrounded by a plethora of such caring people who want to see me succeed makes it all worth it when we make the 2 and a half hour drive to see each other.


I wish I had known more about what to expect from a college University, such as classes, scholarship, and most importantly campus life.


I wish I woud have known a lot about this school before I came. I wish I would have known more about campus living before I came. I probably would have looked at alternate living conditions if I got a chance to visit the dorms on campus. I wish I would have got the chance to meet different staff members on campus that could have helped me when I made the move down here. I feel like my move down here was a lot more difficult than it had to be.


How slow the staff is when you need something done. How bad the living conditions are. The limited financial aid. The atmosphere....i dislike this school


I would like to have known beforehand the differences between the on-campus busses.


I wish I had started prior to my sophmore year of high school looking for financial aid. Scholarships and grants are hard to get if you come from educated parents. My mom raised me but she has a master's degree and makes pretty good money so I don't qualify for a lot of things. I also wish I had known it would be tremendously colder in winter than it is two hours away. It took a lot to get used to.


That you would have the run around and that there is no freedom in dorm life.