I would most definitely go back and tell myself to save more than half of my pay checks. I would start budgeting now on the stuff that I think I might need while in college. I would tell myself to apply to all scholarships that I am qualified for. I would tell myself to take the ACT everytime that it's offered and just not when I've scored the score I wanted. I would tell myself to start preparing my mind now, and not wait until I get to college and prepare then.
If I could go back in time and give myself advice about college, I would say a lot. The most important advice I would give would have to be that if you are going to have your best friend as your roommate, be prepared for what could happen as a result. Keep it in mind that everyone you meet is not your friend. Everyone has intentions whether they are good or bad, so be mindful of how you treat people and of what you say around people. Also, never put friends or anything before your schoolwork. I did that my first semester. I had an A at midterms in my College Algebra class, but I ended up with a C because I neglected my work. So with that being said, I would advise you not to procrastinate either. Make sure you what you major in interests you, and get involved on campus. Lastly, never forget your roots. Remember who you are and always carry yourself well. Stay in church because college can either bring you closer to God or pull you away from Him. Stay focused and best of luck!
To my High-School Self,
-You aren’t as smart as you think you are! Just because you did well in AP English doesn’t mean you can rely solely on your intelligence. There’s more to be accomplished other than thinking you're smart, but hard work and perseverance can get you there.
-The early bird gets the scholarship! Get those scholarship applications in early since the less you have to work to pay for books, the more time you can spend studying them!
-Debt is Bad! Do all you can to get college paid for, as a debt-free start after college can leave you with the resources to take advantage of opportunities that would otherwise be impossible if you’re paying excessive minimum balances.-Getting a degree doesn’t guarantee a job! It takes perseverance and dedication to secure and prepare for interviews, network with peers and develop a career.
-Welcome to the Real World! Since graduating, I’ve realized that the “College Life” isn’t a microcosm of the “Real World”, but an ideal. Realize that the opportunities and relationships in college are fleeting, so enjoy it while it lasts and make the most of it!
If I could go back in time and talk to myself I think I would tell myself college is nothing to play with and coursework is some difficult, but high school is way better than college. I would also tell myself be better prepared to work and study so that I can prosper and I have keep a grade point average of 4.0 and work extremely hard and hard work will pay off in the future.
If i could go back in time and talk to myself when i was in high school there are a lot of social and academic advice that i would give. First of all, in college I would tell myself to always remember the importance of what comes first in school and life. College is a big step and it is not all about partying and having fun you really have to be dedicated and focused on your long term goals without letting anything hold you back. I would be really careful to mention that education and a social life is something that has to be equally distributed throughout your entire college career. When it comes to sports, first you must always to remember that without academics sports of any kind do not exist. I would tell myself to not get attracted by all of the things that happen on campus because some of the festivities can hinder your focus without you even knowing it. Even though sports would have been my main hobby, I would have encouraged myself to try to be involved in other activities in my spare time. Being successful means being a "Jack of all Trades."
If I could some how go back in time and give myself advice as a high school senior I would first and foremost tell myself to work on my organizational skills. In college, I quickly learned that when I am not completely organized it is very easy for me to forget a certain task. In addition to better organizational skills, I would make sure that i was prepared to deal with the many different personalities that I would encounter on any college campus. I am in the vacinity of hundreds of different people every day, and one must be open minded, well mannered, understanding, and friendly to get along with any one that I encounter. I would have also told myself to get an habit of doing more than the expected when it comes to academics. When you put more effort into your assignments it is noticed, and it helps to "stay ahead of the game" and learn more. Last but not least, I would let myself know that when I enter college it is okay to be involved in different clubs and organizations as a freshman. Starting to get involved early acutally helps to build much needed social skills.
If I were able to go back in time and give my "high school senior" self some advice, I would have a lot to say. I would tell myself, first, to always seek God for my strength and to seriously get saved and confess Christ as my savior. I wasn’t saved when I started college, but in my junior year I did genuinely surrender myself to God. Christianity is more important to me now that it ever has been, and I know it will help me stay strong in school. Next, I would tell myself to stay focused on my school work and studying; to not get lazy when the work gets hard. Don't be afraid or too shy to seek help and tutoring when needed. Do not rush into a relationship because it may cause unnecessary stress, and it may also be unhealthy and cause me to not focus as hard as I need to on course-work. Also, to seriously figure out who I am and who I would like to be, and to have a strong character and discernment when associating with people and gaining friends. This would be great advice, knowing what I know.
I gradusted from high school in 2009 and I'm still a freshmen in college because I jumped into college head first not knowing what I really wanted to do in life and how I wanted to do it. So if I could go back in time to take to my high school self, I would tell myself to buckle down and get focused and decide now what I want to do and how I want to do it. Time is of the essence. I need to better my life physically and mentally. Don't be afraid to reach for the stars. Life is too short to play around and I should try my best to be a better me. I know you you can do it. I believe in you.
If I can go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, the advice I would give myself is to apply for as much scholarships as possible and to complete my fafsa as soon as possible! I would tell myself to keep my grades up and to be very active while in school to increase my chances of earning scholarships. I would tell myself to focus on school and school only and I would tell myself to take care of my responsibilities for school first before anything else.
Hey young fella, this is Alcorn, and if you put your mind to it, you can graduate in four years. Its gone be a lot of things that will sidetrack you but you cant let it get to you. If you say no to a lot of the negative things, you will surely make it. All I want you to do is meet tons of people, go to class everyday, study, and have fun.
If I could travel back to my senior year, I would have a very indepth talk with my younger self. I would tell young(er) me to not allow yourself to be "shoe-horned" into the same group of friends you came in with. Alcorn is a family oriented school, and nearly all of the people there are more than willing to help those in need, you could easily branch out and meet people that will have great and positive influences on your life. I would also tell myself to experience all that life has to offer. Over these four years you will be given opportunities to live life to its fullest, take full advantage of them. Do not let anyone hold you back from your goals or from enjoying this time, because you never know if you will have as free a time as this. I wouldnt want to give myself too much advice, for fear of changing the experiences that I have had over these four years. My time at Alcorn has been the best years of my life, and I am eternally grateful for them.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior in high school the best advice I could give is "To thine own self be true." Transitioning from high school to college is an exciting time but staying true to yourself and keeping always keeping your goals in front of you will be extremely helpful in a new setting. You will meet people with extremely diverse goals, backgrounds, and personalities. It is very easy to lose sight of yourself being surrounded with a slew of wonderfully interesting new people. My sophomore year I began working as a Resident Assistant on campus and I was exposed to a whole new social scene. I met friends that I will have for a lifetime. But my GPA dropped drastically. The next school year was intense because I had to catch up. Yes, I was successful and my GPA is now average but many of my classmates flunked out. The most important thing you can learn in college is not taught in any classroom; who you are. Stay true to yourself and your goals and no matter where the path of life leads you will prosper.
In my first semester of school, I have learned responsibility. In high school, I was taken care of by my mom who did everything for me. In college, I no longer had a person to confide in so I had to confide in myself to make decisions. When I decided to go to a HBCU, everyone thought that I was not making the right decision because I wouldn't be getting a diverse look at life. That is not so. At Alcorn State, I encountered all kinds of people of all races and cultures and everyone has a story. This is valuable because in the workplace your future boss looks at your ability to handle all situations and all kinds of people. With me being also in the band, I handle all kinds of attitude whether strong or weak because the band is a team just as college is a team.
During my college experience I plan to discover who I am and what I want to set out to be. During high school I was set on becoming a early childhood educator but second thoughts made me question what I really wanted out of life. I wanted to be happy but yet have a stabled job. At Monroe Community College I am able to take a variety of classes and join many programs to help me make a decision. This college offers classes from Ancient Chinese History to Health and Safety in the Workplace. While being enrolled at MCC it has allowed me to take explore my options and understand all that i want to be. They give you the experience that you need to begin working in your desired field. I know that when the time comes to transfer to a four year school that I will not regret my decision for registering at Monroe Community College.
While attending Alcorn State University, I have gotten the best that college life can offer. I have amazing friends, classmates, and professors, but most of all I have gained a solid education, alongwith southern heritage and a sense of our rich history. I have learned how to accomodate to the worst of times and celebrate in the best of times which has ultimately made me stronger and more aware of who I really want to be.
It has been valuable to attend because I now know how to survive, adapt, and think clearly in challenging situations. Attending Alcorn has taught me to value education because the professors here value education and I believe cherishing education has been valuable in itself.
I may attend a small, Heritage Black College/University, but education is very important to me. It is simply my last life line to make my dream a reality. My university may not get the best of the best; however, it produces the best of the best and I will never regret my choice of attending Alcorn State University.
Out of my college experience, I have gained new determination and insight of myself. When you go to school, everyone has an idea of where they want to go with their major. But lets be honest, most people pick those majors because it is alot of money in that industry, but what happened to doing it because you are passionate about it! I love the way Psychology always changes, the way you can experiment and think of a new theory just by analyzing. It is essential to attend college to not only become independent but to learn more about your independence. It takes time to learn how to network, how to market yourself and that is what you learn in college. I would advise anybody to do any type of college, even if it is not a 4 year university.
After a year away from school, college has been both a refreshing and a much-needed jump back into the productive and imaginitive world. One of the best parts about my collee experience has been meeting and working with so many interesting people from so many different sides of life. It's been inspiring to hear their stories, and it's been a real learning experience to be exposed to a variety of ideas different than my own. Now that I'm in a more serious, grown-up environment, I also have a greater appreciation for the education system itself. A lot of what I've learned can be directly related to the "real world," which is something I feel was kept away from me in high school. With the freedom to take whatever classes I'd like, I've been able to focus my attention on a carreer in art, and now have a steady direction to work towards in the future. Without my college experience, I may never have been able to widen my gaze of the world and direct my personal efforts towards what I'd most like to do with my life.
Even tho i have just started college recently i have learned alot and i know that you need to go to college to be able to get a good job. it has been very valuable to attend because i want to get a good education and i love school it keeps me busy.
In the little time i have been here, i have enjoyed myself. I learned that i have to put the importan things first(school work). I am happy i came here. It is valuable because I love the people and the teachers down here. Alcorn has took away my shyness.
My college experience has been going very well so far, one thing that i wish i would have known before i came to college was to stay focused and keep my studies first. College life has shown me exactly what the real world is like out there. Nothing in life is free and sometimes you have to keep going, even when everything seems as if they are going wrong. The college life has also taught me to never take anything or anyone for granted, and always keep God first.