Alcorn State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Alcorn State University know before they start?


I have gotten so much out of my college experience. I have meet new people. I have developed as an individual and know what I want out of life. It is so valuable to attend college because it is always beneficial to get that feeling of a moment that you will always remember. You being apart of a group that will be future leaders.


If I could go back I would have been more productive with my time in school. I would have listened more and read over my lessons because now I have read a lesson on my own. There is no teacher baby sitting me and telling me what to do step by step. I also would have been more independant.


I would tell myself to read more books on our country history. I would tell myself to go out and find some one who knows not only how to do the different types of research papers ,but some one who could have given me assignments to test my knowledge on research papers. I would tell myself to correct my english so that nothing I say may be interpected as an offense response. If I could go back to talk to myself I would tell myself what I tell middle and high school students now - Better yourself in all aspect now so that you may apply yourself more later, because in order to be some one or change some thing you must first prove yourself worthy of doing so.


First i would tell myself to stay focus there are a lot of distractions in college. Which can lead to a downfall of a student. i would tell myself to be mentally prepared for the things to come like being on my own 2800 miles away from home. Being that far from home you could easily lose your ambition and the will to get up in the morning for that 8 am class. The best advice i could give myself is to keep my eye on the prize and look for what the future has in store me. Keep faith in myself and understand why you went to college. Not to be like everybody else but to make something of myself. With that i would be unstoppable.


As a high school senior, I would advise taking more difficult classes. The more difficult, the better. I would have been better equiped to handle these calculus & chemistry classes while a sophomore. I love that my professors are easy to reach & talk to now. I wouldn't have to schedule these appointments for tutorials had I simply put in the work as a high school senior. So, take the time to get to know the best teachers to prepare yourself for a successful college career. My high school GPA belied the collegiate GPA I have now. While in high school, you should also spend more time listening to people who have been when you're trying to go. They will give you the best advice. I'm trying my best to recollect everything my friends & family have told me. I know that information will have most certainly come in handy when it cames time for financial aide & housing. Thank goodness, I have a good academic advisor now & I had a good counselor during high school . They both did a great job of keeping me on track. Last but not least, thank my parents. They believe in me.


I would advise parents to encourage students to pick a school that fits into the background they are use to or feel more comfortable with. For example would you take a student who grew up in the city life and stick them in a school in the country. The student would not feel comfortable and would not apply themselfs to do their best. I say allo w the students to research a school of their choice before you decide to interven and pick for them because thats where you want them to go.


I believe that it's very important for a student to attend a college that he or she wants to attend and not because they want to satisfy anyone else. They should consider class sizes and and campus size. The distance of the school should also be considered.


I would tell the parents and/or students who are working on finding the right college for themselves to look for the college that is great in academics and also extracurricular activities.


Find a college that has the interest of the student. And make sure your getting what you pay for!!


You only get to live the college life once, make the most of it. In choosing a college that is best for the student , consider every aspect of the school and child possible. Make visits to all schools and consider all schools. Look for home/family based campus settings. Look for colleges that support majors and arts, culture and ethnicity. A school with a high percentage of diversity will be a great experience. Make sure the credibility of the school is up to part and be sure to check the status of academics. Talk to professors, administrators, even students just out and about. Make a personal checklist for yourself and try to obtain one from either a high school/ college counselor and check each item off that applies to each college being considered and the college that fits the checklist the most should trigger your decision.


Pray about it he will give you an answer


I would advise parents and students to talk to previous students, look up information, and visit the college of his/her choice. There will be many outside activities going on, and it will be ok to attend but make sure your work is done first, that way it won't pile up, and in the end you won't be stressed. Make sure you do well in your classes the first time, because they are expensive. As far as meeting people, show yourself friendly, and don't drive around all the time, walking is a great way to make friends, and you'll enjoy yourself. Be smart and know when it's time to play, and when it's time to be serious.


To make sure they are going to a university that will help them in their future careers.


Visit the school you are interested in because some school look and sound better on the interent than real life.


Make sure the school offers your choice of career. Let the students make their own decision when it comes down to picking a school. Start saving money ASAP.


When finding the right college find the major you would like to study under, and if you want to go to a 2-year or a 4-year college are very important. Also consider the college size and the size of the student body, and if you want to attend a college in the rural or urban area. Dont forget about the tuition because that is also an important aspect of college. Take a trip to a the college and talk to the students and professors about the campus, and if the campus is just right then go for it. Well making the most out of college life is not hard at all. Before having the best time of your life in college you have to make sure you do all your work and study before attending any activities. Okay, all work finish, now we can get to the fun time. In college, be social, go to the activities if your schedule permits it. If you want a great college life, join an organization of interest, such as greek organization, math club, or science club. In the end, have the best time you can ( without forgetting your work) in college.