I would tell anyone willing to listen, not to your Education for granted!! Without education you can not make it in life, you can not even get a job working with the Sanitaion Department without high school diploma. When starting high school while in 9th grade I was so busy clowning around with friends trying to do what ever it took, to be popular. In doing so i ended up wasting the first year of high school failing every class but P.E During second year I tryed buckling down staying focused and getting my grades up.
Grades were not great but I did pass every class. Since I did'nt pass the previous year I wanted to change schools I was to ashamed to stay in the same school. Thank GOD the new school I was attending happen to be a alternative school . By taking extra online classes and summer school, I was able to play catch up enabling me to graduate on time . Just think it all could of been avoided just doing what i was in school to do get a Education. Bottom line focuse more on your school work and less on trying to be popular.
If I could go back in time I would have a lot of advice for myself. I would advise myself to do better in my classes. As a senior you’re not finished with school quit yet so do not slack off. I would also advise myself to look into a lot more scholarship opportunities, plan more of what college to attend. I would advise myself to save more money for school. I would also advise myself to seek a consular about opportunities for financial aid. I would tell myself to ask that consular their opinions on what they did to get through college and what they suggest for me. Overall I would simply tell myself to plan better and think things through before jumping into the college life.
If I could go back in time to when I was a senior in high school, I would tell myself to make sure I take all my classes seriously and proiritize my assignments. I would also say to myself to not worry about socializing as much and focus on getting good grades and understanding my critical classes becuase I would need some of them in the future. I would remind myself that high school is not the end, it is more like a beginning because college is where you really start to grow and develop into the human being you will be for the rest of your life. College is the time to make the most of your time and studies, high school is just a prerequisite for college. High school is nothing compared to the experiences and work you receive in college.
i would tell myself to go to away to college to any school of my choice that i got accepted to attend, instead of staying in town and attend a community college. At such a young age you will have the opportunity to go anywhere without much responsabilty, meaning not working, that way you can focus more in school work intead of having to work for a living first.
If I could go back in time and let my high-school self know anything about college, I'd recommend one major thing. My advice I would have for myself would be to explore jobs. I wasted my first year of college on a major I knew I didn't like just because I felt pressured to begin college with a major. I chose Elementary Education because it was a job I knew that I thought I'd be able to handle. Within the first semester I could tell this wasn't what I wanted to do with my life. I sat down one day during my freshman year of college and started researching various medical field jobs. I stumbled across Occupational Therapy (which I had never heard of before) and knew it was something I was extremely interested in. Now I have a major that I love. I would highly recommend searching for jobs yourself; because school doesn't introduce you to many jobs out there, and that job that you never heard of might end up being a career you love. Don't settle for a career just because it was mentioned on career day in high school.
I would warn my high school self about all of the costs and fees that college entails, such as technology and regsitration fees. Also, I would let me past self know that books and travel fees are no joke. I would also advise myself to triple check any college I may be interested in for accreditation. The last thing you want is a school that takes your money and time and leaves you with a degree you cannot use in the real world.
Work for a couple years, think about what YOU could live with doing for the rest of your days, and do it. Do not pursue something to either make someone else happy or to make an impression. Choose something that, 50 years down the line, you will be able to say you spent your life wisely and you would do it again.
If I had the ability to go back in time and teach myself as a high school senior I would truly push my senior-self to apply for scholarships. I have found through the two years of being in college, school is expensive. Paying for school is hard on my mother and I who are paying for five classes a semester. Even now that I am about to be a parent it has become hard to balance the cost of school and baby needs. Most of all I’d really be telling myself in high school to apply. I’d say even if the scholarship was too hard or too simple make time to fill it out because it will help in the future. Addition to applying for scholarships my senior year I’d as well truly focus on my major and what I would like to achieve later in life. Just recently I have realized to go into the forensic field, realizing this would have been a lot easier and better to have done so my senior year. I do wish the time machine was created though I will do with what I have learned now and apply.
I believe I values people's opinions too heavily while I was in high school. Reputation was very important to me and I often found myself doing the wrong things because I knew the right choice was an unpopular decision. Now that I am in college I have expressed my uniqueness and thrived as an individual. I would tell my high school self to stop worrying about what others think. You have to do whats best for you. And those that truly care about you will accept and appreciate that. I believe I have matured a lot since college started and I am proud to say I think I have changed for the better.
Well first of all i would have given myself the advise to pay more attention in class and not become so easily distracted by what everyone else is doing. Then i would tell myself to set a path of obtainable goals and follow through with them. I also would tell myself to start looking for work now and making career choices towards what my goals are . Also i would say become a better judge of character and choose your freinds wisly for you do not know what or who they will become and you do not want to be lead astray from your accoplishments and goals to come . i would then say give your self time to fill in your shoes life is a big step and most of your decisions are based on you and where you would like you life to head so take your time and make all your choices wisely and dont give up no matter how hard things get because if you fail get back up and go at it again. no ones perferct and life has a way of going good and then going bad. all u can do is stay balanced good luck..