Alvernia University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Alvernia University know before they start?


If I knew that having a degree would have helped me get futher in my career and my life I would have never waited to go. I have worked dead end jobs for the last 12 years. Until recently I thought that I would never have a job that I could and would love to do. Not only does having a degree help with finding a career it helps complete a person. I feel that the knowledge you get in school is not only for your career or job, but it completes another chapter of a person. School does not make into a person that you could or should be, but it helps you become the person that you want to be. If I could go back and talk to my high school self I think I wold tell her that school will complete the person she wants to become.


As a junior in the nursing program I believe that there are two things that I would tell myself as a high school senior. The first is I would have told myself to apply for more scholarships because there is so many available to high school students, therefore I would not have to work so much while still attending college full time. I would have also told myself to work hard and not to procrastinate even if it was my senior year! To remember at least fifty percent of what I have learned in high school to help me transition into college. Opposed to just memorizing the information for a test, and forgetting it the next day. By studying a few days before a test and not procrastinating this way I could carry my knowledge from high school into college and eventually to my workplace.


I would tell my high school self to not wait to finish my education. I would also encourage myself to participate in more extracurricular clubs and activities as well as begin looking for scholarshjips and things during high school. It also would have probably been better for me to not attend a vocational school during high school and focused on taking more college prep courses. I would tell myself to go for my goals and don't settle due to not having the financial support of one of her parents.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself not to give up. I would sit myself down and explain how important it is to take high school seriously, even if I am a senior. I would tell myself not to listen to those who say making the transition from high school to college is easy. I would clarify that high school classes are nothing like college classes and paying attention to lectures is your best studying technique. Making an error in high school is nothing like making an error in college. You are paying a high price to be in college so failing a course is not even an option. No one at college is there to hold your hand and remind you of your assignments or an upcoming exam. I would explain to myself that college is difficult and is only for those who really want it. There will be many late nights studying and very little free time. My best advice to myself as senior is to push myself harder and realize that I can do it.


Campus life isn't half bad. It is like living in a giant community of your peers. Some of the professors are helpful and friendly. You make many great friends. You learn to live on your own and be dependant on you. I am a more well rounded person. I have matured, being self-sufficent.


I would tell myself that I don't need to go to school to be a teacher like my mother wants, that I should just persue the Electronics Engineering Degree that I want. I would tell myself that I need to keep working hard and studying hard, but most importantly, to persue the degree that I know is right for me, and to keep the 3.7 GPA. About the problems that my mother would cause when I decided to change my major and how she then decided to claim me on her taxes so that I couldn't use my own tax information to apply for loans. And that I would have to wait to go back to school until she could no longer do this. I would stand up to my mother, who knows, if I had, I would probably already have my Electronics Engineering Degree. I just want to work hard, earn my degree, and find a good, stable job. I would stress working hard and keeping my GPA up.


I came to this country from Ukraine 9 years ago. i wonted to go back to the level I was in my country: nurse-midwife. It took time to learn english at first and then start from the beginning. I studied so hard because it was my second language and many words were new to me. I became a RN and started to work in the Labor and Delivery unit. So that was a little bit closer to my dream. to become a midwife in USA i had to accomplish BSN first. Now, I am almost finished my BSN and looking into applying for graduate school at University of PENN. This is a great school, but also very expansive. It would not discourage me, i will continue to proceed with my dreams and do what i need to. So, on that note, my advice to all, do your school when you can, do not let anything to hold you back. It is easier to do it when you are single and can concentrate on your school only. Otherwise, it can take a looooong time. Thank you all. Good luck.


Make sure that you choose a variety and that you take the time to visit the campus. It is best to find a campus that best suits your personality. I chose a small campus becuase it was important to me to be able to have small classes and be able to be engaged in my coursework with my professors. Also take into consideration the surrounding area and make sure that it has all that you feel you need. Lastly, make strong bonds with your dorm mates and develop a network of resourses and friendships.


When considering a college it is imperative to examine the quality of education, availability of intended major, enthusiasm of professors, available resources, and the amount of possible financial aid. Quality of education, although hard to determine from a few pamphlets and an overnight visit, can be shown through the success rate of alumni in the workforce, the opinions of students attending, and in some cases classroom sizes. If the student is looking for lecture-style classrooms, then he or she should look for schools in which many of the classrooms are structured in that way so as to get the most out of the classroom experience. Similarly, if hoping for one-on-one, approachable professors, then the student may want to examine smaller schools. The quality of education also depends on the program the school has for the student's intended major. This program should be strengthened by internship opportunities and variety in curriculum. College is designed to open the eyes of students to new opportunities, so research the interaction between the institution and community. Finally, make sure that the college is affordable and that financial aid will help with any remaining costs. Happy college hunting!


Make sure to meet faculty members and advisors for your childs needs before attending..