The best thing about Alverno College is instead of grades, they offer abilities and how you validate these in your work. It's a new and great way of learning.
The best thing about Alverno is the professors. Professors at Alverno actually care about their students succeeding. The professors push their students to be the best that they can be and if the professor sees that a student is struggling he or she either helps the student or point the student in the right direction to find the help she needs to succeed.
The class sizes are small which makes it easier to interact wth the professors and other classmates.
I consider Alverno College to be a great school to attend for a college degree, because the class sizes are small, group work is highly emphasized, special attention is paid to public speaking skills, and the teachers and staff truly care about students.
I am surrounded by a hands on atmosphere that applies to my major of study. I've
develop stronger critical thinking skills and gain the ability to take what I
learn in the classroom and relate it to my career. I am in an
environment that consists of students and faculty members that have high
aspirations, crave to learn more, and at the same time, have fun along way. I've
participated in the total college experience!
The best thing about my school is the fact that it in interactive, we have small classes, and the instructors care! I truly learn the material, and they are so helpful. There was some speculation in grade school, middle school, and high school that I might have a learning disability, and the way Alverno teaches helps the material stick.
The teachers commitment to students at Alverno is absolutely the best quality. They believe the core values and eight abilities which Alverno is based on and show it in their teachings.
The best thing I considered about Alverno College is how i can easily schedule time with my advisor. Since there is not a lot of students at Alverno, the advisors have more free time. If i need to change my schedule, major, or whatever, i know that i can count on my advisor.
The best thing about our school is the class sizes. Our class sizes consist of 20-30 students. This is great because it allows the professors to interact one on one with the students rather than being lectured with 100 other students.
There are many more positive things about my school than negatives. Since the classes are smaller, students get more one-on-one time with their professors. Without a grading system, teachers do not just give a pass or fail; teachers give extensive feedback about the strengths and areas for improvement in each project or essay completed. Multiple choice tests are virtually non-existent at Alverno, most final assessments are papers, projects and presentations. These final assessments always include a "self-assessment" where you evaluate how well you did; teachers look this over and provide their opinion on your accuracy.