Alverno College Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The best thing about Alverno is the ability-based curriculum and the pass/fail grading system. If you learn the material, you will be successful; if you don't learn, you can't pass. And it doesn't matter how many hours you have or haven't put into classwork; with the abilities and prior-learning opportunities, everything you can contribute actually counts.


Small class sizes (30 maximum).


Diversity and low stress environment. Small class sizes, there is no grading system eliminating a competitious atmosphere, and the students are a college family of diverse ethnic backgrounds.


You have the ability to fix your work and make sure you really know the material form class and its application in real life situations.


Alverno tries to be dedicated to helping more women become known as prospective human beings, that are just as needed as men. I like this because women are always seen as nurturing and motherly; which is why they're thought to be nothing more than a maid, but women can do the same things men can. EVERYONE deserves the same advantages and they create one stepping stone towards getting everyone those advantages.


The pesevereance the teachers have for us and the pride and strength we have as students to academically succeed and strive to learn and be better at our profession.


That the environment really forces you to learn. I have not forgotten pertinent information at Alverno as compared to other schools and classes I have attended. It just sticks with you.


Small classroom sizes are helpful because there is a lot of interaction between the professor and students.


That it is all women and that the classes are small. I also like that everyone goes by their first name even the professors so everything is equal among students and staff.


I think that the best thing is the pass or fail system.