American Musical and Dramatic Academy Top Questions

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The way the classes are schedled is very diffenent than most school. Its set up kind of like high school. you have a set schedule each semester of calsses you are required to take. There are a couple choice classes but for the most part you have what the program is set as and everyone takes the same classes depending on your program. It is also a performance based school so all of your classes have practical aplication to them and are designed to help you in your career path.


Amda has created a unique way to build your entire learning experience around exactly what you are aiming to do! At other universities if you major in music or theater it is still a requirement to get ure basic studies. At Amda you must still take your basic studies, but they alter them so that they pertain to your exact program of choice! It make your learning experience a lot more interesting, and help build your craft!


The American Musical and Dramatic Academy was the only conservatory I considered. Their curriculum has a very narrow and detailed focus on theatrical performance. All teachers employed by AMDA are currently actors, directors, and other professionals in the theatrical field.