Anderson University-Anderson, SC Top Questions

Describe how Anderson University-Anderson, SC looks to someone who's never seen it.


My school is a place where professors are connected to their students, students are connected to eachother and the entire campus has the environment that is as if it is one big family.


Anderson University is a supportive enviroment for higher learning with helpful, personal staff that has a goal of influencing student life and encouraging students to practice Christianity by choice. The college is liberal in that they do not require a profession of faith in order to be accepted. The school truly embodies love for all people and has a genuine goal of preparing students to make a difference in the world.


Anderson University is a small, christian college whose professors and faculty actually know you.


Anderson University is an expensive, christian environment, with nice people and teachers who are willing to help you.


Anderson University is a school that emphasizes excellence in both faith and academics.


It's a friendly, home-feel, god-loving, and community-impowering school.


Our school is a Christian valued, goal oriented, family and student friendly college that is convienient and close to home.


Anderson University is a great school that accomadates anyone of any age.




Anderson University is an institution with knowledgable instructors, determined students, and a caring staff that work together to form a strong community with the overall purpose of finding and carrying out God's will for our lives.