Anderson University-Anderson, SC Top Questions

Describe the students at Anderson University-Anderson, SC.


My classmates are the most incredible group of people who help and critique me and my work and make me stronger as a designer.


I am in all online classes so I have very little interaction with other students.


Always happy and excited!


My classmates are fun, school-oriented, small-town Christians.


My classmates are extremely intelligent and want to succeed in life. Since I am a Biology major, almost all of my classmates are on the dean's list and strive to make it to medical school.


My classmates are strong, supportive, Godly folk who are true friends, and they are always eager to help and lead in any way possible.


Every one of my classmates have their own unique individuality, all-in-all making our school a better place to learn and grow.


The people that attend Anderson University are some of the most wholesome and amazing people you'll ever meet. The friendships that you make here are friendships that you'll carry with you forever. Students at AU work extremely hard and they are passionate about their interests. In your classes, you'll find that everyone is always willing to help one another out, whether that's through small groups, study groups, or project groups. There's life all around AU and it's impossible to find someone who isn't bubbling with personality.


My classmates at Anderson University are a diverse group of individuals that allow me to learn and expand my interests through their varying backgrounds and experiences.


My classmates are very friendly, thoughtful, god-fearing people.