Anderson University-Anderson, SC Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


My school is best known for the wonderful Christian values that it instills into its students, which really do help students grow academically, occupationally, personally, socially, and spiritually. Anderson University has helped me grow so much that all I can say is thank you for everything that it has done for me.


My school is best known for an amazing education program. Also for the variety of sports available. Anderson University is a private Christain college that attracts many students for the strong belieft system and support.


Anderson University is best known, academically, for several different majors such as music, education, and business, but more importantly, Anderson is known for it's Christian environment.


The heritage it brings to the small Southern town of Anderson SC. I think it is best known for the integrity of the graduates-which can be attributed to the faculty and staff there. It is a Christian college and those ideals are stressed and encouraged.


Anderson University is an excellent academic school. At AU, the education and arts departments really stick out above the rest. If a student is interested in a school in South Carolina with either as their major, AU would be my number on reccommendation. Above all academics, is the Christian atmosphere of Anderson University. All beliefs are accepted at AU, but all faculty and staff are strong in their faith and are willing to help students with all matters of college and personal life.


We are a libral arts university with a well developed music program and a rising theater and dance programs, the rest of them I don't know much about.


Anderson University is a christian school, so the pressure for drugs and alcohol is virtually non existant. This is a place where you can come and feel no pressure to experiment with things some of the other colleges deal with. The small size allows all classes to be under 100 students! I love the size of my classes, generally in the 20-30 student range!


Anderson University has so many outstanding qualities, but the main focus on campus is the relationships formed between students, faculty, and staff that last a lifetime and change lives!


Anderson University is best known for it's beautiful campus, positive attitude, and the Christ-centered community that presents Jesus as the Christ and as the ultimate model for personal behavior. The postive and Christ-centered atmostphere of Anderson University allow the students to grow as they discover education and also strengthen their relationship's with Christ.


Being the co-founder of April's Angels, a non-profit organization that raises money for families with disable children in the local area. Also my softball abilities that God gave me! :)