Anderson University-Anderson, SC Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Anderson University-Anderson, SC?


The campus is really nice and the school is not too big.


When I talk about my school, I brag most about the christian atmosphere, the relationships with my professors, and the envirorment. Anderson University is like a second home to me, when I went home for christmas break, I missed the campus and the people. Everyone is nice and willing to work with you.


This university is smaller than most traditional universities but the work is grueling and you get what you pay for. The professors are experts in their fields and provide experience as well as achademia.


The best thing about Anderson University are my friends I have met. I play volleyball for Anderson and have met some of the best friends ever. When I go home and visit, I miss my friends from college. I also brag about the weather in Anderson, South Carolina. I am from Cincinnati, Ohio, so the weather in Anderson is much better. I also like the small school atmosphere. I like being known by my professors. I also like being able to get the extra help I need right away without having to wait to talk to a professor.


Anderson is very focused on each students' time in the classroom. The classes are small and the professors are dedicated to serving students and their needs. I am an Interior Design student, and we have a lot of oppurtunity meeting designers who actually practice in the field that give knowledge of schooling and what we have to look forward to.


There is a deep focus on God and the student body as a whole.


The quality of the teacher-education program.