Anyone can find a place to fit in here. There is something for everyone, such as clubs. Even if there isnt then it is so easy to start up another club.
I think that a person who wants to find not only a school but a home. Here you can make friends that last a lifetime and learn things that apply to al parts of your life. I found that I love being here: not only to learn, but to fellowship and become closer to Christ.
This is a Christian based University. Everyone is accepted. I encourage those of other religions to be open to learning about Christianity.
Anderson Univeristy is a small, family oriented campus. Students who enjoy large masses of people and party life should not attend Anderson University. The campus has a no tolerance on alcolhol and tobacco use so users of these substances should not attend this school. The university is also very strict on visitation hours for the opposite sexes. The university is founded on Christian ethics and is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convection which contributes to their strict policies. Most people, including myself, attend Anderson University to grow spiritually in addition to gaining their desired degrees.
Someone who doesn't care about their education
Someone who is not baptist, or religious in general should not attend this school. Also, someone who is not conservative should not attend this school- people here are not very open-minded.
Anderson University is an up and coming school that desires committed individuals to pursue a higher education. If you are someone just looking for the college experience but not interested in the commitment it takes to achieve then I would recommend you choose another school.
A person who isn't dedicated to graduating or planning on going far in life. This college, from what I've seen, has amazing professors, students, faculty, etc. They all want their students to graduate. From the moment I set foot on that campus, I've only recieved posetive words, encouragement, assistance, and it's all for graduation day. The day that they get to watch me, their student, walk across that stage into the world. The day that I get to take the four years of knowledge and skills I've acquired and apply them in the real world.
If a person cannot take a Christian community they should not attend this school. Anderson is not a school that boggles their students down with rules. They are very leniant with their Christian policies, but it it required for all students to attend half of the chapels per semester, and they also have dress and conduct policies that abide with Christian views. A student who cannot take being forced into church, or living with people who hold up Christian values should not attend Anderson University.