If I could go back in time and speak to myself as a high school senior, I would have told myself to stop being afraid and take my SATs. I would tell myself to apply for financial aid. I also would tell myself that I am a lot smarter and capable than I know. That if I could maintain an A average, work, and be a single mom now, I could most certainly go to college. I would encourage myself to find a mentor to help transition into college life.
Dear Self,
High school was easy to get through. College will create some situations that you have never been through before. In college school is all about time and connections. With all the freedom you have in college you won’t know what to do with your time. Although it may seem like you have all the time in the world to do an assignment, time truly flies. I suggest starting assignments the same day you get them. Manage your time wisely, find a way to balance both school and your social life even though it may seem impossible at first it can be done. Connections are also extremely important. It’s more about who you know than what you know. I would be wise to become friends with upperclassmen who can benefit you in the future. Make sure you enjoy yourself you only get this experience once. Stay focused.
Best Wishes,
Rolandranea Lincoln
If I could go back in time and give advice to myself during high school, the advice that I would give would be to focus more on school than on my social life. Looking back on my high school career, I wasted a lot of time trying to fit in when I could have used that energy more efficiently to pay more attention in class and to have more fun with sports. High school should have been a time that I was able to be carefree, but responsible, because the decisions that I made then, greatly impacted my life now. I would have told myself to carefully choose the friends I surrounded myself around and to take school seriously instead of just goofing off. High school could have been more fun if I had better time management and a healthy group of encouraging friends.
If I could go back in time and talk to my high school self I would sit him down and explain how difficult college actually is. I would explain to him that it isn't all fun and games, that he actually needs to study more than he thinks and work very hard. I would also tell him to be more involved in clubs.
If i had the opportunity to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, i would tell myself to be focus, bold, and be very ready for all and any challenges while in school, i would tell myself to take every little precious because i would never have those time ones they'er gone.
I would tell myself not to missuse every little opportunity i get idea with my professor, tutoring classes, group studies,college advisers etc,beceause these are the people i would give thanks to at the end of my journey; iwould tell myself not to relax and put in all and every effort i could put into my studies.
I would tell myself never to hate any subject because that is a step tp failure, i would tell myself to keep in mind the real reason why i came to school and never let anyone be a bad influence on me not even myself; i would tell myself to think before i finally make a choice of my career because that would be the key foundation to my life and make it a career i would enjoy and love doing.
Honestly, there's a lot you should know. Let me start by saying – get a life!
Looking back, I know that you think you are on a roll. You think your life is getting better – you're having fun, making friends, and discovering new passions that will stick with you for forever. But I also know that you feel like you're not good enough, you don't think you're a "normal" person and you have a lot of resentment for other people because of that. What's ironic, though, is that the only person you should be resenting is yourself! Stop blaming other people, stop worrying about being normal, and start enjoying your life!
Did you know that in the next 4 years, you will become an independent adult? Did you know that you will actually graduate with 2 majors? Did you know that you'll be planning a wedding before you graduate college? It's crazy. Don't waste the time you have, and don't settle. Get involved in everything you can. You are an awesome person, you just have to be willing to show people that. Have fun!
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have encouraged myself to think about my next four years at college and decide what are things that I really want to do. I say this becuase I am planning on studying abroad in Australia Fall of 2012 and I started planning late. I'm planning on overloading the semesters I return and taking out some unexpected loans. If I would have planned on doing this, I would have been able to arrange my schedule and start saving money earlier. This experience for me means so much because I have been given the opportunity to take on an internship in a school for autistic children, which is what I ultimately want to do. As a high school senior, if I would've taken the time to think about what I wanted to do in my life as a college student it would make this whole process of studying abroad much easier.
I would tell myself to push harder in my last semester of my senior year. To accept the advice that I needed a tutor and pass that Pre-Calculus class to help my GPA. I would tell myself to take a few more risks, to go out and enjoy all of the freedom I had left for I went off to college. I would tell myself not to pick Anderson University, and instead go to Winthrop like I had orginally planned on doing. I would tell myself to spend as much time with my momma as possible, because soon I would barely get to see her, and I'm going to get the worst case of home-sickness I had ever felt.
If I could go back in time to myself in high school I would first advize myself to pick my friends wisely. I would also tell myself to always look up for guidance and listen to my mother. The lord helped me through some tough times as I was making my transition into college. My mother also proved to be a great help during my transition. She was always a phone call away and knew exactly what to say to make myself feel better. I would also advize myself to get a calendar and a planner sooner rather than later. Keeping up with various exams and essays can be hard work. It is very important to get started early and stay on top of every assignment.
I would definitely inform myself on how difficult college and college life can be. College must be taken seriously and something one works for daily. Studying every day is a very important aspect of college or one will get very behind and grades will start dropping. I would also tell myself to have fun but never procrastinate. High school is a lot easier to wait and finish something at the last minute, but college does not wait on you and is an ongoing process. I would tell myself to enjoy these short years and make plenty of trustworthy friends. Friends can be there to help you through a lot of things and it is hard without them. Just remember to always study and do your best to keep your head up in everything you do.