Anderson University-Anderson, SC Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


How much money I would have saved living at home and commuting to school.


I wish that I had known how the academics were going to be at this school. It is an upcoming school and I think it is a good school to be at, however I once I got into the program I applied into I learned that I did not want to be in it anymore. And the current program I am in is very fast pace and high school did not prepare me for that going to college.


I wish I would have known how difficult it was going to be. I wish I could have prepared more, instead of believing that it would be a breeze, just like high school.


When I took a campus visit I was tring to make sure I covered every aspect of student life; from my dorm room, christian values, and tutoring sessions . It was was one thing I did forget to ask about and that was how was the food in the cafe. So if I had to pick onw thing I wish I knew about, it would be the terrible food we recieve.


I wish I had known about the scholarship opportunities before I came to Anderson University. If I was to tell a senior coming out of high school some advise about college, I would tell the person to stay informed with all the scholarship opportunities and to stay involved.


I wish I had been more prepared about studying. While I make good grades I wasn't prepared for the course load that I received or the in depth way the teachers taught that made you think for more than that class period about that subject.


It would have been nice to know different things to do on the weekends.


How much of a Baptist background and worship seems necessary to "fit into" for groups and activities. School is not in much favor for more liberal politic views. The legendary "seniority" does not exist. As a freshman we feel scared. As a sophmore little more comfortable. Afterwards it deadlines. There is no feeling of moving up in classes or seniority. Example housing was a complete mess and rising seniors and juniors wishes were thrown aside for freshman and sophmores. Dining times reflect my grandma's schedule. Ending dinner time is 6:30 after ten no food advailable on campus.