Andrews University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Andrews University know before they start?


I would tell myself to try harder and focus a bit more on the things I like to do such as music and tennis. Also, I would tell myself to study more responsibly.


There are two main things that I regret from my college experience. First, I wish I had figured out what degree I wanted from school before I went there. Doing more research and being more active in my plans for college would have saved me a lot of headache and money. In retrospect, I realize that assuming I would figure things out as I went was not the best idea. Having a plan would have made the past few years a lot easier. Also, I would advise a new college student to get involved as much as possible. Meet people and do things the first few years of school. Don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone. I now realize that I missed out on a lot of opportunities and learning experiences because I didn't take enough chances. It doesn't have to be anything huge, just go to that party even though you don't really know anyone there. Try out for that club team or run for an office if that is what you want. In a few words, my advice is to take control of your life instead of just letting life happen.


try everything!


To find the right college make sure you visit the campus during the school year to get a feel for campus life. Meet with the chair in your field of interest to give you an overview of what they have to offer. Discovering what the college has to offer and comparing them with your wants and needs can be very helpful. Once you find the college that you believe is right for you, make sure you make the most of it. Get out and do as much as you can, approaching everything with an open mind. Staying active physically, mentally, and socially leads to a well-balanced college experience. Take in everything around you, meeting new people, and expanding your knowledge and skills. By remaining active and simply enjoying life you are bound to graduate as a changed person with a new outlook on life, and no regrets.


If the people on campus are happy that's the most important thing. Make sure you are getting the type of education in the classroom you want. The best way to do this is to visit campus with your parent but stay on campus by yourself and hopefully get a student to take you along to class. Study and make friends, college is not a vacation. It is just a different type of challenging from high school. Most importantly, your high school GPA means nothing after you are in college whether it was good or bad.


Andrews University isn't the right place for everyone. Some people like big classes and more freedom. Other people like smaller classes, more hands on experiences and one on one time with teachers. The later is what you will get here at Andrews. No matter where you go, you will find what you want, you just have to look and try hard enough to make it happen.


Get all the information you can and vist the school before making a choice.


do whatever feels right to you. If you are a spiritual person, it would be a good idea to to pray about your decision. It is also a good idea to make sure that your family has an imput in your choice. Make your sure your choice is not a problem with any member of your family otherwise it will be difficult to keep your family happy.


Always talk to the students when you can get them alone. At my school the administration will say anything to get a student to start going there, but they don't care anything about the students attending there.


I would advise students and parents to select the school that best reflects their values and morals rather than just focusing on academic and social life. Most schools will offer very competitive academic programs and settings will vary throughout the United States, but ultimately the school one chooses will directly impact their choices and path for the rest of their lives. Regardless which school or program you end up choosing, you get what you put into it. Don't expect professors and administrators to offer you a degree and the best job placement on a silver platter. Work hard and earn it. My college experience is particularly memorable because I made it a point to be well-rounded academically (take classes that aren't part of your core requirements i.e. photography, macroeconomics, astronomy, anthropology), socially (don't just stick to one circle, get to know as many people as you can), and spiritually (get involved in community outreach). Also, if there are opportunities to see the world and travel for academic credit, take it! The world is your textbook--you'll gain and learn more from experiecing other cultures than just sitting in a classroom. Your choice is yours!