Angelo State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Angelo State University know before they start?


College there is no one to make you do homework or attend class. You have to plan well and set goals within each semester. You have to learn how to be more hands on and think outside of the box.


I would tell myself to walk into college having a good idea about what you want to do with yourlife. You don't have to know exactly but think about it before you walk into the college surroundings. Also walk into college with an open mind. Things will be very different from highschool and you just have to keep your head held high and keep moving forwards. You may feel overwhelmed like I did when I entered school but college does tend to get easier and the transition from living with your parents to living on your own gets easier with time. The most important thing is to just don't give up. In the end it will all be worth it when you walk across the stage and get a diploma and become a college graduate and you can make something of yourself and make a difference in the world!!


I would tell myself to work harder to recieve scholarships. It is hard enough to pay for college while taking classes. It can be a hassel to have to work all the time. If i would have taken more time filling out scholarship applications and applying for financial aid, i would have to cut back on how many hours i could take because i cant afford to pay for my schooling. It can be rough thinking that i cant afford things. I begin to get down on myslef wishing i had a better job and that i worked more hours. But if i worked mkore hours then i would not have time to study. I would tell myself that getting scholarships is the key to getting through college easier.


I was a well behaved student and excellent in school so I came to college well prepared and hope that that attitude continues to Medical School.


The advice I would give myself, would be to slow down and enjoy this experience. This was the best time of my life, but in my haste to complete my degree, I rushed through school, did not cultivate friends and contacts, and did not do my "best" classwork. I wanted to pursue graduate/law school but I was burnt out, and therefor "settled" for the first offer that I received. I think my career would have gone in a different direction and I would not be in this position I am currently in. I have always wondered "what if" or "if only"? I had professors who were very encouraging and supportive. I now have a chance to correct that mistake.


Going back in time, I would tell myself that school is the most important thing in college. Not socializing, drinking, or partying all the time. I would tell myself that it is best if I utilize my professors to the best of my ability, because their purpose is to help me succeed. I would work on building networks that will help me in my time after I graduate. With all this work, I would still tell myself to enjoy, take risk, and get the best I can out of my college years, because even though they are meant to study hard they are also meant to be enjoyed because they are some of the best years in a persons life, and this environment plays in big part in an individuals future.


Never assume that anything is impossible. Strive for an education while you are still young, before other obligations become overwhelming. Whatever you do, do not allow current situations to take over your life to the exclusion of a well-rounded education. It is never too late to go back to school, but it is much more practical to obtain those first critical steps early. After all, when you are in your thirties or forties you should be looking for that PhD, not just a bachelor's degree.


I would like to take more AP courses so that when i went to college i would have some hours already.


Charlsi, college isn't just about getting a 4.0 and graduating quickly and never taking less than 15 hours a semester. You need to make time to have a life, and enjoy the friends you have and not cut them out of your life because you might get a B in one class. Academics are still very important, but learn to prioritize so that when you eventually graduate, you have good memories to look back on. Don't look back on your college experience and only be able to remember the long nights alone of stressing and studying and turning down opportunities to go relax with friends for awhile. Laughter and friendship and silliness can make a tough semester that much better. College is a great time to make new friends and learn independence. Be sure to do your best at every class, but don't sweat it if your best is a B. Work hard in school and make sure you have a life filled with laughter and love from those around you.


I honestly would not want to go back and disrupt the time continueum lol. But i would tell myself, study, work hard, autition for every show, and have fun, but not too much, and make the best of what you are blessed with, Because the experience is amazing, and its something you will remember for the rest of your life...