Angelo State University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Angelo State University?


Besides paying for the education there isn?t much else. It's so hard to work when you have a class schedule above 12 hours and play sports, free time to work is scarce in college and with that being said, the hardest thing about school would be adjusting and adapting to the lifestyle of a college student.


My school is alright and there is noting wrong with it other than it is in a small town and it needs to open doors to different degree programs for people.


That there is still quite a bit of seperation between races/ethnicity of the students. Also the fact much of what is happening on campus is hard to hear about if you live off-campus.


There is very little parking which creates a huge mess in the morning trying to get to class for off campus students.


I wish there more more post graduate career interest here.




To lose my financial aid and fail


Its not big, but the campus is way spread out.