Antelope Valley College Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Antelope Valley College? Why?


The "needs the most improvement" aspect about my college is the lack of guest speakers. Besides the very passionate professors, guest speakers also have the abiity to inspire students from all majors.


I think the worst thing about my school is that often times they won't offer the classes you need to transfer when you need them, so you have to wait. It can be difficult to get them to add another class for you, although it isn't impossible and has happened in the two years I've been here twice.


Honestly, the only thing worst is the parking. Several students are enrolled that parking takes a long time to find and can cause you to be late for class.


I don't spen much time on campus, so I couldn't really say what is the worst thing about my school. I like everything about it, so far.


I would say that the worst thing about my school would have to be the lack of accommodation. I enjoy my school, but it has one major downfall: It?s the unfortunate fact that my school never has enough room for all the students to get into the classes that they need. Even if you are a priority student there are many times when you cannot even receive a proper schedule. In the end it might take three years to earn your degree.


The one thing that is very unprofessional is the Acedemic/Financial counselors not returning calls. In some of my classes I have also experienced the teachers to be rude, impatient. They treat the students as if the tuition is comming out there pocket . When I first applied for the school they did not tell me my core classes would not be at this school.