The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Antelope Valley College is 100%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
I recently had the opportunity to talk to my younger sister about my experiences, good and bad, about college life, so I know exectly what I would say. I would say, "Holly, you can't do this alone! I know you are an independant person, and you love to problem solve and figure things out for yourself but college is just a little bit bigger than you. It takes a village to raise a child and it takes an entire school to graduate a successful student. And don't worry if all your parents can contribute to your college experience is a pat on the back. There are ways to pay as long a you have a dream. All the money in the world is worth nothing without that dream. Take it and run as fast as you can but please remember to slow down every now and again to enjoy what you are learning and the experiences that you are having. Maybe if you follow this advise, our children won't have to feel like they are doing it alone. One last thing, don't be afraid of that communication 101 class, it will be the best experience ever."
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Describe the students at your school.
My class mates depend on what time of day I take class: in the early morning classes there are a lot of younger students who just graduated high school but think that they are still in that environment, and the evening classes are filled with working professionals who are very focused and driven to complete their degrees.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
I wish i had known just how fun school would be. I also wish i had known just how hard and expensive college is when you have a job and a family to take care of.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
I would say that the worst thing about my school would have to be the lack of accommodation. I enjoy my school, but it has one major downfall: It?s the unfortunate fact that my school never has enough room for all the students to get into the classes that they need. Even if you are a priority student there are many times when you cannot even receive a proper schedule. In the end it might take three years to earn your degree.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
I believe if everyone had the opportunity for a better education and is willing to make it for a greater future, I would highly recommend this college for all of those who seek a higher education.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
Antelope Valley is a school that anyone can attend. It offers a variety of programs to fit anyone's needs. There are transfer programs, associate degree, vocational programs, nursing programs and much much more. The only person who should not attend Antelope Valley College is the kind of person who does not want any type of education.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
My school is not the most desired school to attend. At this time, so many classes have been cut; people are having a hard time getting the classes that they need. But as I am an athelete, I get priority. If I were to say what I am proud of at my school, I would definitely state how much money you save staying here rather than going straight to a four year university. Also, there are so many great teachers at this school that you can really connect with, as I have.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
Antelope Valley College is known to have many great programs available to the public such as an associates degree in nursing or a certification in aircraft and fabrication.
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What's unique about your campus?
The best thing about my school are my counselors and professors. They work great with me and always give me the time and attention when i need it most. The work given to me by my professors are challenging and very educating but not too stressful, it can actually get fun sometimes. My counselors are always there to help motivate me and push me to work harder everyday and they're well appreciated.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
Antelope Valley College is unique because it is a great stepping stone. It has many opportunities and you can branch out and really find what you are interested in. It is also a lot cheaper than a four year university, so it is great just to get your feet wet in the world of college.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
The Parking situation is the most frsutrating. There is construction at school and everyone wants to park towards the front of the campus so there is this big traffic line. I park towards the back of campus where there is no traffic, but I do have to walk.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
Its a educational facility that offers a variety of courses that gives its student the necessary skills to benefit themselves.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
I am an older returning student. I am not a big part in the social life of college. However there are some great academic programs on campus. Alpha Iota is active on campus, so is the STEM club and the anthropology club (a club I am active in) is continuing to do a massive amount to bring information about the discipline to the college.
If you want to know more about the night life I am not the guy to ask I have a 4 year old son!
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What are the academics like at your school?
the academics are very good at my school. AVC is more geared for remedial work (Math 60, 70, etc. and English 95, 99, etc.) however they also have amazing honors programs and advanced level classes. I am currently a music major and all the professors have been extremely helpful in guiding me through the process of selecting classes that will help me get my degree as soon as I can. the majority of the students are competitive and participation in class is very common.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
This is an amazing school. It is a relatively small school and that is perfect for college freshmen. All of my teachers and professors have been amazing. the only complaint that I have is that there are some sports that are only offered for male or female students (There is only boys golf, and there is only girls volley ball) other than that this is a great junior college.
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