The fall 2020 acceptance rate for University of California-Los Angeles is 17%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
Assuming I could go back in time as a high school senior and give myself advice, I would have so much to say to myself. First off, I would definitely start by saying to try my best and get the best grades I possibly could. Secondly, get involved as much as possible. Whether it is in the community or in my high school. Doing community service hours, joing a sports team, or a club. I would tell myself that in order to get into the University of my dreams, I would have to work hard for it if I really wanted to get in. Lastly, I would not leave wihtout making the best of my last year in high school. Everyone always said that high school is one of the best times of your life. That could not be any truer now looking back. I would tell myself to participate in every single activity I had that year because later on I will either reminisce about it or regret not doing so. High school is your last chance of really being a kid and enjoying life because once you get into the college world you are basically an adult.
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Describe the students at your school.
You can find every kind of person in every single class.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
Because UCLA is so diverse in respect to ethnicity, intellectual levels, backgrounds, and the like, students develop an appreciation and understanding of those other than themselves in interacting with others.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
There is an incredible amount of diversity, and people around are caring enough not to make those differences barriers
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
The registration system could use some work. Although you're guaranteed a better registration time the longer you're at the school, it's still pretty random and can mess up your whole schedule.
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What's unique about your campus?
Your own time management and ambition is often the limiting factor on the opportunities available. Some of these opportunities may not be immediately obvious, but they're there, and the school has poured resources into them. We have incredible research facilities, an extensive alumni network, and people from every background can thrive if they pursue their goal diligently. That said, there are a lot of distractions, too. Try to find a major you like early your first year and focus on applicable activities/internships/work experience/etc. over the remaining.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
Anyone that is not used to having to work hard for excellent grades will have a very difficult time at UCLA. The university provides you with an amazing education and you most definitely have to put quite a bit of effort into your studies to excel.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
UCLA is an extrememly diverse campus, however students that attend this school as similar in many ways. They all share an excitment to learn, a love in humanity, and aspire to make the community a better place. These characteristic elements of UCLA students' personalities, make it an amazing school.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
When choosing a college there are the customary procedures you complete to familiarize yourself with the place you could be spending the next four years of your life. These can include: guided campus tours, multiple campus visits, online research and even sitting in on a class. The one thing that is extremely hard to grasp however, is what kind of people attend this school; basically will you fit-in in this environment. I wish I could have gotten a better understanding of this before I made my final choice.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
The kind of person that should attend this school is someone who is willing to be open-minded and learn a lot about new cultures and be able to adapt to different ways of teaching and learning. This person should also be hard-working, diligent, and intelligent in their work. He or she should be able to have fun and fully enjoy the social life that UCLA has to offer, but at the same time stay focused on their goals and ambitions.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
How big it is: getting lost and a fear of becoming just another face in the crowd are universal constants at school. They tell you to try to make an impression on the professors, to get to know them. It is not so easy when you're competing for attention with 500 others from your lecture
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
My school allows people to further their education at a relatively low cost compared with a four year university. This allows me to get a college education without going thousands of dollars into debt. It also welcomes students of all ages, which helps people go back to school and finish a degree that they might have started many years before, or retrain in a different area when jobs in their current field become scarce or obsolete.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
People get worried about such a big school. I certainly was. The truth is, UCLA is its own city. I came from a small high school where everyone knew each other, the teachers were personable and friendly, and spirit was kept on the DL. At UCLA, I have had a very different experience, and I couldn't be more grateful.
College is supposed to bridge a gap between one world and another. Being in a big place allows you to find communities and use your own resources. Probably the main difference between the pre college and world and the post college world is that no one hands a lollipop in real life. At UCLA, I've been able to go out and find my own lollipop in a safe, encouraging environment. The school seems smaller than it is when you be yourself and go out and DO yourself...if that makes sense :)
Honestly, UCLA has no weaknesses. Yes, here we go, another Bruin who likes to brag and say NOTHING bad about his school. The truth is, the only complaint that continues to poke my side is parking. Parking at UCLA blows. It's like trying to talk to Buddha about the quadratic formula; your needs simply won't be addressed. Other than that, UCLA caters to all. Bruin plaza has been host to experiences I'll never forget, like a mock wedding for a gay couple (just months before the California Supreme Court legalized it!!!), a mindblowing birthday party for Israel, a performance by someone who, in my mind is the next Marvin Gaye, etc.
If you mass thousands of people who are smarter than you who then devote their every day to helping you experience something bigger than yourself, you will get my school.
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What are the academics like at your school?
SOME professors actually do know your name, contrary to popular belief... it's all up to you whether or not you want to make yourself memorable by taking part in class and talking to your professor during office hours. A lot of my professors have had coffee and donuts hours, and other social events to better get to know their students. I'm currently taking one class that has 7 students, and another that consists of 15, so the myth that our classes are always huge and impersonal is not true, although the big lecture halls have their advantages, too. The academic requirements cover a wide range of topics and subjects, and sometimes there are things you'd think that were totally unrelated to your field that you have to take, but then later you realize why you needed to take them (or not!). Most of the classes have given me useful knowledge for the future, but a few have been a useless waste of time.
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Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?
Well....the student body is definitely VERY hot, but not materialistic. It's a public school, and the diversity facilitates an array of character types and interests that make the students fun. The campus is in the heart of Westwood and has easy access to Santa Monica, Hollywood, and anywhere else you might want to go. All the ups and downs of the city of LA can be accessed from UCLA, so definitely not sheltered! Nevertheless, the campus is certainly set apart from dingy areas and is more beautiful than anyone could ever say it is.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
Activities and social life are what you make them here. You will have the opportunity to make 450 facebook friends in first quarter (I know someone who did!), go out and party, go to all your floor events, and never eat alone. On the other hand, if that's not your style, you don't have to go out, and you won't be disturbed.
I find myself somewhere in the middle. I'm a pretty outgoing, social guy, but I do enjoy being alone sometimes. My main method of being social is becoming involved in activities. In fact, I fulfilled the goal I set for myself in high school (enterring college and getting involved in EVERYTHING) by joining chorale, Hillel, Kesher, Bruin Democrats, Scattertones A Cappella, floor government, ballroom dance, performing arts association, campus tours, and I forget what else. It all proved a bit much, especially with 18 units of classes, so I scaled it back the next quarter, but the point is, I COULD have done all that stuff if I had been able to handle it in some other universe.
Frat life doesn't disturb, but it's pretty active and easily accessible. You don't have to drink to have fun with or in a frat. You also don't have to drink to be cool. I definitely didn't drink all of first quarter, and I still made friends and got involved in various communities easily. It's easy to make connections and join clubs and groups. There's an "enormous club fair" during the 1st week of the quarter where virtually every club/group gets a table on the field and students go around getting to know each other and signing up.
The best thing about UCLA activities and social life is the fact that it's not as hard as you think to distinguish yourself in such a big place; you just have to be you.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school?
We're absolutely brilliant and amazingly attractive.
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Why did you decide to go to this school?
Students talk about how they settled upon UCLA and why they like it
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
UCLA students are typically thought of as academically-inclined nerds with little in the way of a social life. In my own experience, that's far from accurate - we live in the middle of Los Angeles! If anything, there's too much 'social life' distracting from 'academic life'. The student body is so large and diverse that it's impossible to stereotype anyone - either that, or we have a solid representation of every stereotype imaginable.
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Tell us about the food and dining options.
Conversation about relationships in the dinning hall
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