Appalachian State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Appalachian State University know before they start?


Oh, there is so much that I could say that would help so much. I would start with a hard slap in the face followed by a cold bucket of ice water. After successfully getting my attention and simultaneously relieving myself of the shock of having been slapped in the face by my future self, I would provide myself with the following advice: forget everything you thought you knew about college. Forget the campus tour, it's honestly not going to help you. Rememeber all those movies you watched that made college out to be a leisure trip of good times and girls, well they lied. College is life's wake up call for you to grow up and face reality. You may have thought you were getting up way to early for high school, but just wait for that 8 a.m. exam on a Monday after you stayed up until 4 trying to cram everything you blew off for the entire semster. Study hard, I mean really hard, focus on your goals and assprations and never give up. Oh, and remember to take your room key everywhere. Remeber these simple words of advce and you;ll be fine.


Even though you were homeschooled, someone can help you find a good college; seek out a school counselor. Do not settle for what you can only afford, because there ARE ways to pay for college that do not involve piles of loans. With your grades, you can get into a great school and have scholarships to help you pay for it. Do not only visit one school and do not assume that by the prettiness of the campus and the energy of the representative that it is perfect; even if it is perfect, it may not be for you. Apply earlier, and do not only apply to one school. List your goals and what you want from college and search tirelessly for the one that is right for you. Further, do not be afraid to transfer before it is too late.


I would advise myself to find scholarships and apply to as many as possible. Also, to join clubs once I got there in order to be connected and find friends easily. Do not be afraid to get involved or go to the work out classes. Going to class really does help the information taught in the class to stay in the mind, especially when it comes to taking tests. The library is not a scary place and if I needed help in a class to go to the tutoring center. Get involved with club sports, it is an easy way to make connections with people and do something fun at the same time.


Stay focused and remember why you are going to college.


In high school, I was just like all the other teens my age; my daily activities revolved around my social life. After school, I went straight to a friend?s house to relax. Though we planned to do homework, we would decide to watch TV or listen to music instead. I would return home each evening to race through my homework. Much of what I learned, I didn?t retain past test day. As a college student, I would give my former self one piece of advice: take the time to realize how fundamental, yet precious, knowledge actually is. I would warn myself of how easy it is to take education and knowledge for granted. Though school and learning is a part of my everyday life, it is not at all something that is guaranteed. Hopefully, I would be able to convince myself to take advantage of every opportunity to learn, both in and out of the classroom. Lastly, I would tell myself that even the socialization that I love so dearly can actually be a form of knowledge. If used properly, socialization can be a means for one to experience new things, expand horizons, and grow as a person.


I would tell myself to go through college; don't let college run through you because as soon as you let it run through you, you have to do a lot to catch back up! Another thing I would say is don't take this oppurtunity for granted because you are being blessed with this oppurtunity and many other students would like to be in that position but aren't. Lastly, I would say make the most out of the experience because there is only one first time for everything.


I would advise myself not to miss my family and my boyfrend so much and to stay at school more often. I would also advise myself to allow myself to make friends and to hang out with them often.


I wouldnt give myself any advice, I'd just let things play out the way they did.


Hmmm, if I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I probably would advice myself truly to never quit your dreams and stay on the path to what you want in life and hold onto it. As most students know, you have to pick your colleges early to be accepted by them. However, there are times when that doesn't happen so you attend a community college to start on your dreams, thats what I ended up doing and then work on that very group of colleges you wanted in the first place and work to be their transfer student. Over all thats how I found and got accepted by my number one school, Appalachian State University. All it takes to succeed is hard work, determination, optimism and the strength to never give-up and those very words have led me to success. In your life, I hope you follow these words as I did when I was a senior and I bet you will be able to achieve your dreams.


I had a difficult senior year, taking all International Baccalaureate classes to prepare me for my IB exams in May. I was very much focused on studying and learning as much as I could. I prepared myself for college by taking extremely difficult high school classes. I was prepared for college coarse work, but not as prepared for the amount of free time college brings. To any future college freshmen, I would recommend that they try to find a balance between social life and study time. It's a hard balance to find, especially without the presence of parents. You can take classes seriously without jeopardizing your social life.