Appalachian State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Appalachian State University know before they start?


If I could go back in time and give advice to me as high school senior I would have several pieces of advice to give. First I would tell me not to stress so much because things have a way of working out for the best even if it's not the way you planned or hoped for. Second off I would tell me to not be afraid of the future but take it all in. Third, I would tell me to learn from mistakes and admit when you're wrong because it leads to personal growth which will help you become the best version of yourself. Fourth, I would tell myself to continue exercising and eating healthy because a healthy body helps you keep a healthy mind. The fifth thing I would tell myself is to not be afraid of failure because it happens sometimes but have the perseverance to push through and make things happen. Last but not least I would tell myself to reflect on the person I am and decide if that is the person I want to be in the future; if it’s not then make a change and make a difference.


Dear Shannon, I know you're excited about the upcoming move to college. Talk to people! The first few months in your new dorm is going to be the best shot at making new friends that will stick with you through-out college. They all feel out of their element just like you. Don't be afraid to change your major, or double major. You future career is why you are here, make sure you prepare by majoring in something that you not only love, but will enable you to get a job. Speaking of jobs, get an internship! I know you say you don't have the money but listen to me when I say, just do it anyway. It will be a lot harder to find an internship post-college. Definitely get that waitressing job, you'll meet more friends than you could ever expect working there. Don't forget to call your family, they miss you even though you're busy experiencing life on your own for the first time. Most of all walk to class on nice days, make friends, put 110{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} into your projects and have fun. These memories will last forever.


Get out there and make friends. College is all about meeting new people and making friends. It's important to be well-rounded and enrich your life with many different things. Become involved in many different clubs and groups in order to learn more than just what you do in class. College is about gaining experience, not just getting good grades.


If I could go back to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to make the decision based on my morals, not on my fickle likes or dislikes. I came to Appalachian for the small town feeling, the beautiful mountains, and the ability to hike, fish, and camp at my leisure. Since I have been here, I have felt the overlying weight of the morally divided atmosphere pushing me farther and farther away from even wanting to be associated with Appalachian. Going to Appalachian has definitely been an eye opening experience for me. I have looked on as all of my morals that I originally held were smashed into little bits by the multitude of diverse thinkers and I was left to skulk away with not even an ounce of pride. On the contrary to telling myself to reject Appalachian though, I would inform my old self to attend for this reason: even though my beliefs and morals have been destroyed, I have been able to undergo a re-establishment period that has allowed me to better understand what I believe and why I believe it. In the long run, attending Appalachian has been a positive experience.


I would tell myself to make sure you always go to class. If you go to class you will learn, its better than laying in bed being lazy. I would also tell myself to make sure you are involved on campus. College can be a lonely place if you don't get invovled with clubs and activities that interest you. I would also tell myself to put myself out there. There are ovcer 10,000 people at that school, be yourself, have fun, make friends and get to know other people. Don't stay in your dorm room and expect the fun to come to you. Ask for help. Everyone is lost at some point and needs advice. Finally, I would tell myself to stay ahead. All nighters are no fun so stay up to date on your work and due dates. College is a great time but you have to apply yourself and be successful. Don't slack off and stop caring or you may hurt yourself and your future.


Apply for scholarships! Apply for scholarships! Take Concurrent Enrollment classes! Enjoy life today, yesturday is gone, and tomorrow may never come. Apply for as many scholarships til you die. Find a job. Study for the ACT and get a good score on it so you don't have to take the alternative tests such as the "Accuplacer". Apply for scholarships! Go to college and get an education. Go into Dance because you have a passion for dance. Don't go into doctors, dentists, or something you get paid in big bucks because you're not going to like it in the future. Apply for scholarships! Any scholarship would help me and put less stress in the cost for college.


It's funny how time changes your perspective. If asked this question while an undergraduate in college, I would have said to learn better study habits, get more involved in clubs and take more school work more seriously. That wisdom would have helped me at that time. Sure. I graduated with a BSBA Cum Laude and felt very successful. Now, 16 years later, as I enter Grad School that advice may have changed a bit. Life experience and seeing how my high school social self made my college honor student self work harder, take class more seriously...well I wouldnt change a thing. High School is about finding yourself, learning your cababilites and how to manuever in social settings. Very important lessons. You have the rest of your life to work hard and study.


I would say to not take so much to school. Last year, I felt I had way too much stuff and that I should have taken less items that were as necessary as I thought they were.


Being a senior in high school was, without a doubt, the easiest section of my high school career. Going back, I would tell my younger and more apt to not listen self; You did good. Life isn't about regret, and I made decisions that year that were good decisions for my life. I decided to go to massage therapy school before traditional college, and I am thankful I was not in a huge hurry to rush into my college career. Learning that having a career and job you love is a big obstacle in life. Many people get blinded by the dollar signs, and the extra income a college education can accure. But truly understanding how to love what you do made the transition back into college so much easier than if I was that high school senior. Now I know how to make the educated decisions to make the most out of my college career, and truly enjoy the experience.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to stop panicking and that everything would be fine. I would also tell myself to save more money for college expenses because as a senior, you do not realize how expensive college will be. I would also tell myself to be more confident because college is not like high school. I would assure myself that I was capable of handling college life and that everyone will support me. I would also tell myself that going to community college first was a wise choice. I would assure the high school me that I am not ready to venture off to a four year university yet so staying at the local community college is the best choice.