Arcadia University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Arcadia University? Why?


Its expensive; however, finacial aid is readily available.


If I had to choose, the worse thing about my school is that even though there are fun activities planned out during the week, a lot of people leave over the weekends. It seems that no one hangs out with their friends over the weekend, and the idea of Arcadia being a close knit community doesn't exist anymore. This problem at some points really frustrating, because when people leave the campus, there's nothing to do and the atmosphere at the school is pretty much dead. Different activites are set up but they don't seem effective.


The cost and finanical stress this school causes me is insane. I am always struggling to figure out where the money is coming from each semester. I am in love with Arcadia, and know that it is the best place for me to be. I am learning and growing in ways I am extremely proud of, but I am constantly worried if money is going to keep me from graduating.


The worst thing about my school is that I feel like part of the minority politically. I think that professors should not push their politcal beliefs on students. If being liberal is being part of the majority on campus I wish that other students and professors would really consider that there must be some students who do not agree. I feel that it is fine for everyone to have their own opinions and beliefs, but it is not one's job to talk about it all the time and force what they think on others.


It's too small.


night life and weekend life - lack of facilities, things to do, etc. on or directly around campus that is inexpensive.


The classes tend to be a bit more challenging than most other schools.


There is no social life, and it is a completely artsy school. The kids in highschool that were deemed "weird, or dark" are exactly the kind of schools that go to arcadia. The school isn't very helpful with you if there is a problem. They rely on bringing in students entirely from their study abroad programs. most come to the school to study abroad and transfer afterwards.


The large homosexual population and how they make they heterosexual population feel out of place.